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Now we can conclude with absolute certainty that the United States is on a downward spiral – and we thought Bush was bad (or not good enough), just you wait when the Obama/Biden take the helm of our poor country.

Same as the American voters have been forced to choose the LESSER EVIL when voting in the recent presidential elections we have the Obama’s shrewd move to nominate Biden. This way Obama confirms his lack of experience, lack of knowledge of the world outside the U.S. and chooses to compensate by nominating Bidet (yes, bidet is a legitimate French noun, and quite appropriate when it comes to BideN.
BideT - not much different from BideN

Biden both opposes the US involvement in Iraq (now), while he voted in favor of Bush’s plan to attack Iraq (then) – what a smooth operator? Your proto-typical politician, turning whichever way the wind blows, shows us all how politicking is done.

It claims to be pro-Israel, and calls itself a Zionist as evidenced in the following clip:

It (being a Zionist – and pro-Israel in the above) represents interests of Muslim encroachment on European soil, as evidenced in: where it is obvious that this Chief of the Foreign policy Committee is not fit to be a page on the same floor for lack of knowledge and contradictory views.

It advocates more war in his short-sighted anti-Russian rants, after it collected a hefty pay-off during a visit to Suck-up-shvilli as evidenced in Washington Post’s: here, it claims: "Russia's failure to keep its word and withdraw troops from Georgia risks the country's standing as part of the international community. That is not the future the United States or Europe want -- but it is the future Russia may get." Is this a talk of a peace and diplomacy seeking intelligent high ranking American Senator or a street thug? Is this the same person who opposes wars? It is definitely A BIDET.

BIDET 5: With regards to Serbs (a Christian nation in Europe which preserved Christianity through it's Byzantine existence and fought the numerous onslaughts of Islam on Europe in BideT's words:

"A man on the record for stating that “all Serbs should be placed in Nazi-style concentration camps” during Senatorial deliberations in 1999 over NATO aggression on Serbia, and that United States ought to conduct a fascist, “Japanese-German style occupation” of Serbia, Biden, considered the most “verbose, preening, self-aggrandizing pol,” is among the world famous plagiarists, and often characterized as a rambling gas bag, terminally enslaved by his own prejudice, ego and vanity.

Let me retype the first few words: "all Serbs should be placed in Nazi-style concentration camps"

Can any sane politician say that with impunity? Sourced from:

While seemingly being pro-Jewish (a self-proclaimed Zionist) it advocates taking Christian lands away from Serbia and legalizing Kosovo the world's most advanced case of corruption, decay, drug and people traficking, etc. Is IT completely Godless?
Joe Mustapha Bin BideT - a Zionist?
Can anybody tell the difference between IT and BideT?

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