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LOCAL News :: Crime & Police

Devilvision II

coming soon:
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The Book Devilvision II will be out in the next few months, some of the subject matter will include:

NASA, The Luftwaffe, The 3 Letter Traitors (CIA,FBI,NSA, Etc.), and mass torture of Americans since 2000.

More on electrogastro control and torture via ENMOD.

IMPORTANT---a short but in depth history of electro therapies in medicines since 1870 (ALL that was replaced with pills at behest of pharmaceutical interests) electro medicine was well developed and used in many ways...all life is highly effected by electromagnetic energies, and always has been.

how to defeat enmod --hydrometeor dissipation-- mirrors, more...patents

larger working faraday cages

other grounding schemes

chaff, moisture, and suspended particles to defeat fields (but also may amplify fields, augmentation, nullification)

awareness of just what kind of people are doing this

proof of agriterrorism/anti-germination experiments done, or radiation that only kills the females of a plant variety in the seed form

anti-antennae scenarios

drugs/supplements and their role in depopulation/mind control

the role of belief and fundamentalism in the behavior modifying electro-chemical programs

religious preparation for a world of mind control

the link between dhs and behavior-modification technology

conditioning lines of force in steps, over time, chem spraying and antennae together, many pix

macro vortex generators (tornado/cyclonic weapons include aerial tsunami)

invisible flash/pulse electronic conditionings and stunnings via satellite and other contrivances

what to do

www. luxefaire. com/devilvision/tableofcontents. html

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