Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Idea’s on obligations and happiness

Even true happiness carries with it certain obligations because for it to be true happiness it must be irreproachable.
I believe these ideals are not only taught to us as children but that we are born with them just as even the lowest of gods creatures are born with the knowledge to procreate and care for their young. But it’s in the choices you make in life and rather you choose to nurture or ignore these ideals that will ultimately decide the mentality and morality of your existence. I think my grandmother said it best, ‘If you lie down with dogs your going to get fleas.“ In other words, the company you keep will have a lot to do with the outlook of your ideals and obligations you feel you have in life. Of course one drunkard will tell the other he’s doing a fine job of things when even simple childhood knowledge full of sleeping reason would know this not to be true. You should seek the path to true happiness, not as if it were a breezy life free of responsibilities, but among other human beings who are living richly and fully the good life. There’s nothing wrong with having a good time, but in doing so you must not put aside the obligations and responsibilities that you and life have created for yourself because then you will have created an unknowingly yet inexcusable existence which will inevitably eat away what little moral fiber that is left in you making each day you live in that disgustingly self-indulgent life easier but at the same time puts any chance of redemption further and further from your reach. We don’t have to always take ourselves seriously….only your responsibilities. Any mature adult knows a truly happy and fulfilled life doesn’t include some sort of responsibility to be happy but rather to find happiness in your responsibilities. I can only say that I truly fall to my knees every night and thank god that these principles live and thrive in the father of my children (perhaps because I’ve seen first hand the alternative) and that every day we both try to ensure in our children these values and morals taught to me by my mother and to him by BOTH of his parents. This is not only our OBLIGATION and RESPONSIBILITY but this is our HAPPINESS!!!

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