News :: Civil & Human Rights
Communist politics of Belgrade daily Politika
If anybody thought that communism is finished in Europe they haven't seen the Belgrade daily Politika. They are going strong. Very strong.

Jan Palach draped himself in a Czechoslovakian flag, doused with gasoline and burned himself in public to voice his dissent over the Russian "brotherly help in occupied Czechoslovakia - 1968
McCarthy, come back to five and dime
Some of us would think that communism is no longer a viable force since it has imploded beyond belief and managed to self-destruct to a very large extent. Yes, I admit seemingly it is so. But there are also very staunch communist supporters that I uncovered at the Belgrade, Serbia daily Politika. There is a standard disclaimer how the moderated (meaning heavily censored feedback) will be filtered for profanities, vulgar speech, hate speech etc. A friend of mine made the following comment under the image of the current president Boris Tadic “I think one, speak the second and do the third thing” obviously this was a gross violation (exactly as it was forbidden to talk against El Komandante Tito during his communist iron boot rule, so it continues today. The Westerners are rightfully apprehensive about dealing with a country with such deep communist roots where there is an obvious lack of freedoms (Freedom of speech, press and dissent among the most essentials). They are turning the entire country on its head with such “moderated dialogues”. Only the mediocrities or the “yesmen” can have their say. Down with communism – down with dictatorship – down with censors. Freedom to speak, think disagree, vote to all people shall not be abridged by some cute euphemistic disclaimer. The Russian “brotherly help to the “oppressive regime of Alexander Dubcek” ended up with a Czech student Jan Palach setting himself aflame in the middle of Prague during the Russian invasion. That much is enough to see how Communism has a positive social impact on people. Never-mind that Stalin (a communist) outHitlered the Beloved Führer Adolf. By far, the consensus figure for those that Joseph Stalin murdered when he ruled the Soviet Union is 20,000,000. You probably have come across this many times. Just to see how numerous this total is, look up “Stalin” and “20 million” in Google, and you will get 38,800 links.
Sourced www//
Not all settle just on the 20,000,000. Some links will make this the upper and some the lower limit in a range. Yet, virtually no one who uses this estimate has gone to the source, for if they did and knew something about Soviet history, they would realize that the 20,000,000 is a gross under estimate of what is likely the true human toll.
I am giving this short overview of Communism mainly for the American public who is to this day unaware what a terrible disease communism is, as much as I am placing blame on present day Serbian censorship and lack of freedoms. Staged demonstrations in Belgrade (over the last three days) have been labeled “pro-Fascist” – give it any label that will allow you indiscriminate elimination. Never-mind that Hitler’s death toll is barely half of Stalin’s death toll – that should be enough to tell us what wonderful fruit communism shall bear.

Typical communist school uniform (with red scarf) but women like that only ended up in the hands of "REAL PROVEN communists" the ordinary folk didn't get the pleasure of meeting many attractive single women who weren't "servicing some devout communist"

Politika the worst Serbian pro-communist propaganda that labeled itself democratic by itself - I don't know if that is a very objective name - I have my doubts.