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Requiem for justice
The Radovan Karadzic appearance at the Hague tribunal showed its ugly bias before the work even begun. I managed to get the English language transcript of his opening address to the court and it was badly butchered - I am fully bilingual and understand both languages to know the difference.
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No wonder these are the symbols of justice in the United States - it's all a pipe dream if we count on any of these
Would it be that Richard Holbrook has slightly softened his stance, now claiming that he did have "agreements" with the Bosnian government (only hours after a facsimile images with his clear signature appeared in Serbian press. I don't know if Mr. Holbrook will be subject to perjury, but since he never made his initial statements under oath - he probably won't be held liable. It's enough to make me think twice about my 30 year fight to become an American citizen. First it was slimey "slick Willy" who shamed me to death with that poor Monica gig. Who needs a president like that - not a country that claims moral and political superiority of the entire world. Now Holbrook who was pictured with the UCK (designated as terrorists by the Department of State at one time - and a conduit for Al Quaida's work in Europe. Where is this man's brain? Does he have any brains? Now he's been caught in an overt lie. What the ramifications will be - nobody knows, but I know there are many Americans who embrace and cherish the TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY as this is the most simple backbone of our entire Constitution. this case.......... we have........a
How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise?
I respectfully decline to post any compromising images of Holbrook (I did post images of his UCK (stand for KLA - "Kosovo liberation army") sponsored terrorists and him - without his shoes - as this is a proper Muslim tradition). This definitely is exactly as the title says: A requiem for justice. Here is the butchered translation of Karadzic's opening statement. Definitely an act of sabotage. I am not saying that Karadzic is innocent or should be acquitted - but there is no chance in Hell he'll be able to get a fair trial, after Serbia and all Serbians have been demonized for decades. NATO's bombing campaign couldn't bring Serbians completely to their knees so the Hague Tribunal is now finishing off Serbia as a nation.
If anybody asks me this is a perfect solution for prolonged conflicts, future wars, unrest, etc. Cui bono? Who will benefit is the question.
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Europe has greater ambitions but lesser abilities

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