Written by One People's Project
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Well once again we were able to cause David Irving some problems, causing him to move his little lecture in Arlington, Va, the onetime headquarters of Neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell, to another location after folks down with us told the original spot what was going on. He ended up at the place we expected originally, the infamous Sala Thai restaurant. This was the place that hosted an event just before the American Renaissance conference back in February, and was the regular meeting place for the Northern Virginia chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens.This is a good sign that yeah, like all the pundits say, the political dynamic just might be changing in Virginia! If you want to get in on the fun in your locale, all you have to know is that if Irving shows up at a public establishment, odds are he lied about who he was and what was going to take place there to secure the venue. Since they have as much freedom of association as he has freedom of speech, they are more than likely going to shut their doors to him after learning what is up. Memo to all Nazis out there, no matter what the event is, as long as you have to hide around and lie to venue owners to have even the smallest of events, it helps us more than it hinders. Then again, if you were open about your events, it helps us more than it hinders. So we guess you're just screwed overall, eh? All the attendees are saying this will be his last trip into the US because his visa will not allow for him to return. We would like to state for the record, that there's a whole bunch of people out there that are going to make damn sure of that.
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The event brought out a local NeoNazi who is also a USGS scientist, James Pontolillo.
(He is pictured in the blue shirt w/rolled up sleeves and jeans)
One People's Project
ARLINGTON, VA--It happened again to Holocaust denier David Irving. For the second time on his US tour, a venue he planned to speak at shut their doors to him once they learned of the true nature of the event to be held there, and he ended up at a regular meeting place that many actually expected him to be.
Originally, Irving's lecture was supposed to be held at the Rhodeside Grill which reportedly was where a lecture was held in 2005, just before the arrest in Austria that landed him in prison for 16 months. When the location was learned, the restaurant owners were informed of Irving's plans, and reportedly, as was the case in 2005, those who booked it for this lecture did not inform the managers of the true nature of the event. According to a post by Arlington Nazi occult fanatic Jim Pontolilo on the Vanguard News Network forum, Irving was told at 9:00 AM by owners that his event was canceled. "Once (the location of the Irving lecture) became known, a mole(s) on his mailing list informed the 'usual suspects' and soon the phone call complaints from the ADL and other lovers of freedom were rolling in," he complained.
The makeup location was the Sala Thai restaurant at 2900 N. 10th St., also in Arlington. Sala Thai has been a regular meeting place for those affiliated with the Council of Conservative Citizens and was originally believed to be where Irving was going to be. Flyers were passed out to those on the street outside Sala Thai by antifa, informing them of the event taking place inside.
Just about every venue that Irving has booked for his tour has expressed anger over the fact that Irving and his handlers were not honest about what their venue was being used for. It is a regular practice for neo-Nazi and other white supremacist groups to rent a venue for a lecture or concert such as Hammerfest as something other than it is, then keep the event location secret until the day for fear that they may be confronted by activists or the venue owners who are angry at being duped. Prior to his Arlington appearance, Irving was in New York City. Two venues denied Irving after calls to the establishments were made informing them of his appearances. He ended up speaking at St. Stephens Church of Hungary, duping them into allowing him space. The church currently has a public posting on its door apologizing to New York's Jewish community for the event.
The Rhodeside Grill in Arlington said they will never host Irving again, and the Sala Thai restaurant where Irving ultimately ended up may be closing soon as the building is scheduled for demolition, but this event might have cost them future business. A peace group that meets there regularly says they will meet elsewhere from now on. Sala Thai has other restaurants in the DC area.
Irving's Philadelphia and Baltimore event went on without incident. His next stop will be in Richmond, and his tour will continue on into the summer.
To call the Sala Thai and ask them why they keep hosting Nazis, you can do so at
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