the lines in the sky are daily chemical spraying by israels air force whihc includes the usa air force and a huge drone force -- these sprayings are being used to lock down total control of food and water for monsanto and the usa govt, ie the 4th reich. It is over 10 years along now...the traitor clinton began the program, the antennae are also part of it, and communication is just a small part of that...this program is also major behavior modification, its why bush has not been killed out of hand...everybody has been put into a lull with boradcast EM....b
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The slaughter that followed the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941 is without equal in history. The most terrible crimes of the entire war took place in the name of anti-communism in the german occupied territories on the eastern front. Civilian Casualties in these areas were so enormous, so continuous, and so extreme that even counting the dead has proved impossible. The evidence indicates that between 3 and 4 million captured soviet soldiers were intentionally starved to death in german pow camps between 1941 and 1944. The generally accepted figure for all soviet war dead is 20 million human beings, about 15 per cent of the total population of the country at that time, but the destruction was so vast that even this number can be only an educated guess.
The nazis deliberately used famine as a political weapon in the east, and it soon became the largest single killer. As the german invasion of the USSR began, General Erich Von Manstein, later a top advisor to the West German Defense Ministry stated: In hostile cities a large part of the population will have to starve. Nothing may, out of a sense of mistaken humaneness, be distributed to prisoners of the population unless they are in the service of the german wermacht.
This was a war not only of conquest but of extermination.
From the book Blowback, By Christopher Simpson
It is the ultimate disdain, the actual and true Hate for anything but service to the state. It is a massive system of weaponry, a constant, low grade, but never ceasing attack on us, on our minds and bodies. 24-7. The russian half of the nazi scientists did their part, and created the need for drought alleviation, which advanced the program of attack, said attack perpetuated and well prepared by the enemy within, OUR half of the nazi scientists who have been working against us ever since they were given jobs and prestige and authority here, following WW2. The antennae went up slowly, explained away as communications, and the information concerning their real purposes carefully hidden, classified. Overall, it is the few against the many, wealth against the mass, so this diabolism and insidiousness we are beginning to perceive, finally, was very necessary for this program of conquest and extermination to succeed. In truth, the chemtrails are just the cleanup operation. The totality of it all is the world against America, we who still insist on private gun ownership, and we who still possess a modicum of freedom to speak and think as we please. The lawmakers are finally addressing those issues though, now that the population has been electronically entrained to a greater apathy and inability to organize. This control of us, and our food and water, our very environment, will soon lead to mass starvation, and then we will be no more. It is the end for us, and the rush hour traffic still happens, and the TV sitcoms, and the religious gatherings on saturdays and sundays, but when the hunger comes, it will all be done in 30 days, like africa, like russia, like many other places the nazis have infiltrated, and made common cause with those who would serve their agenda. The antennae broadcast behaviour modification has been working on us for so long, it is the insurance that most people no longer have the wherewithal to think, say nothing about act. By time they realize they must act they will be so weakened that they will not be able to, or so few, that they will either be co-opted or easily killed. Very insidious, very diabolical, history shows the plan clearly, but most people no longer read, which was the actual first prong of the attack, really. The dumbing of the populace through geegaws, and idiot meaningless religion$, and the paper money en$lavement through steady debt making and other lie$. The New World Order is wireless, and will never end unless the antennae come down. That is the stark truth. Get up close to them, see how they are made. Understand the masters anticipated all this type of thinking. And they have prepared well.
Bill Gallagher