Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC
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(paranoid ranting no one wants to read)

LOCAL Commentary :: Media

more speech denied at Baltimore IMC

why does the Baltimore IMC webmaster continue to modify the scripts here to prevent the 911 hoax from breaking out?
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Once again the functionality of the 911 News Hoax blog has been altered. Once again, attention turns to Baltimore IMC's webmaster-for-eternity.

I wonder how Spud could spend his years just sitting back and thinking of new ways to betray this city.

It must be wonderful being a secret agent. Just look what you get: Easy "job", valuable real estate and the satisfaction of really sticking it to your neighbors.

When I look around at people in this city I sure am not filled with longing to destroy speech for each and everyone of them. I will never understand the mentality.

How does one go through life parasitically without feeling regret?

In previous complaints about Baltimore "Indymedia" I have used the rat metaphor. It still applies. Surely it is more fun to go through life as a member of a community instead of a rat, a slime-ball who does little more than destroy the prospects of others?

How about fixing the website, Spud, so that comments can be posted to my blog. You can spare me the bogus excuse (e.g., "I was fixing something…").

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