Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Activism

Youth takeover City Hall!!

Or at least, it's front lawn.

A group of youth-lead peer-to-peer education groups,including the infamous Baltimore Algebra Project, has descended upon the War Memorial Plaza in front of Baltimore's City Hall.
They've been there consistently for 44 hours and aren't moving until Mayor Sheila Dixon gives adequate funding to these amazing peer-to-peer organizations. A city which can alwys find money to lock young people up should be able to find the money to help them find their way to freedom.

You can help by:

Calling the mayor at 410-396-3835. Tell her to fund peer-to-peer education.

Stopping by Operation Occupation: the festival of life in front of City Hall. We are having rallies, including open mic's, food, and music each day from 5-7pm and candlelight vigils each night at 10pm. All people are welcome; but drugs, alcohol, violence, and defeatist attitudes are not.

Let's show solidarity with the youth today for a more worthwhile tomorrow!

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