The "MOVE 9" are having parole hearing this month. After thirty years, the Pennsylvania Parole Board should be releasing them this year. They complete 30 of their 30-100 year sentence this year.
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Children and grandchildren of imprisoned MOVE activists.
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parole stipulations were discussed. Because they were sentenced before 1996, they may be under different guidelines than most applying for parole. This might actually be to their benefit.
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Friends, family, and concerned supporters shared clear, heart-felt, and unscripted words demanding parole this year.
Innocent, excessively punished, racially persecuted, they may be asked to serve another SEVENTY YEARS. We must see these activists freed this year on parole. Seven are being subject of parole hearings this month, One, Chuck Africa, will have his file reviewed in a few months. Another, Merle, has died in prison. Eight are now eligible parole as they complete 30 years behind bars. Their minimum sentence. Prison officials say they have doe everything required to be granted parole in 2008, this year.
The MOVE organization had 5 of their children, and 6 adults deliberately murdered by the city of Philadelphia in 1985. A large amount of plastic explosive was dropped on their home, incinerating them and burning down 60 homes in the neighborhood.
Seven years previous to the bombing, a similar racist police assault occurred on their home. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition, lethal amounts of tear gas, 40,000 pounds of water pressure, and a grenade were used by police. Nine of the victims who were hiding in the basement were charged with the death of one police officer who was outside the home. Police and SWAT members on the scene have reportedly said that that one bullet came from fellow police. It was accidental "friendly fire."
The judge who sentenced them stated publicly that he had not the "faintest idea" who shot that bullet.
The mass media has hardly touched this story. The independent press has barely covered it either. I may be crazy, but this seems like one of the most important stories in American history. Certainly, in modern times. This is RAW, pure racial persecution.
Last Wednesday in the Pennsylvania state capital building, several concerned citizens spoke on behalf of these brave, long-suffering activists. And told the world why they must be paroled at the hearings this month.
Please find out about this situation. And do what you can to see them paroled.
Previous to all the police harassment and brutality, they had been protesting animals rights, for better treatment and housing for the elderly, and for clean water in inner-city Philadelphia. The had chosen to live together, eat healthy food, distance themselves from drugs and alcohol, and dedicate their lives to improving themselves and the world around them.
They feel that we must all MOVE in the direction of a better world. One not based on violence and domination. A world based on, and respecting, life. All of life.
This was seen as criminal by the 1970's city of Philadelphia.