Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Protest Activity

Announcing the pReNC 5.3

The pReNC 5.3 is the second national gathering for planning radical resistance to the 2008 Republican National Convention. It will take place on May 3rd in the Twin Cities.
During the first pReNC, over 100 anarchists and anti-authoritarians came together and created a general strategy ( to maximize our effectiveness at the RNC. Since then there have been many regional consultas, dozens of tourstops around the country and countless smaller meetings in radical communities for what will be one of the largest anarchist mobilizations in years. Now it is time to get more concrete in our planning; it's time to figure out how this strategy is going to be put into action.

This gathering will function as a spokescouncil, and is open to representatives from all groups familiar with the strategy and that have begun organizing how they will fit into it (not limited to anarchists), including support roles (medics, legal, food, etc). We are asking that groups send 1-3 spokespeople. All attending must RSVP to by April 17th in order to register and be vouched for.

The Welcoming Committee is in the process of formulating a sexual assault policy in an attempt to create safer spaces at the pReNC. All attendees will be required to review that policy prior to the event, and to follow through as necessary.

Check our website ( for a ride and housing board. You are encouraged to come early and stay late to get a feel for the cities and attend mayday festivities on May 1st and 4th. The more strategizing and planning we do now, the more powerful we will be come convention crashing time! See you on 5.3.

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