Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Poverty

March 18th: Emergency March to keep Code Blue open! Demand Year-Round Housing for the Homeless!

The Code Blue shelter, which provides emergency housing in Baltimore City, is due to close down for the year on March 31st - and there's no where else to go. There's a march on city hall starting at 12:30 on 3/18 from Our Daily Bread on Fallsway, followed by a rally at City Hall, after which homeless Baltimoreans and their supports will be packing the 4:30 Baltimore Housing Authority Meeting to demand year-round emergency housing. 10 year plans mean nothing when you've got people on the street now!
Also, check out the latest issue of the Indypendent Reader (hopefully online soon) for an in-depth look at housing and homelessness in Baltimore.

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