The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. The campaign is rooted in the struggle for socialism. We believe a better world is possible and together we can make it happen.
VOTE PSL in 2008!
ECONOMY: “Put Human Needs Over Profits”
*A statement of the La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign*
Candidates of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL):
Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President in 2008!
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You can’t pay the bills. You don’t have enough to eat. You lose your job. You get harassed and ticketed by the cops. Working-class people face financial crises on a daily basis. Socialists understand that these sorts of crises are part of living under capitalism. There is no way to have capitalism without daily crises faced by the working class.
In the United States, the productive capacity exists to meet people’s basic needs—here and all over the world. But under capitalism we experience repeated economic crises because goods are produced only to make profits for rich owners, not to meet the needs of people. Owners end up producing goods at a rate that exceeds the ability of the market to continue expanding.
The logic of this economic system requires the capitalists to stop producing goods or even destroy products that cannot be sold at a profit. Since human beings need these products it would make sense to sell abundant products at a lower price or just give them away. Instead, hundreds of thousands of workers are laid off from their jobs because they have produced more goods than can be sold at a profit. Under capitalism, profits come over peoples needs. Socialism reverses that equation.
More than 50 million people are already poor from low-wage jobs and now the capitalist system is plunging the country into a severe recession and depressions. A depression is an exceptionally severe crisis of capitalism. The army of the unemployed grows by the millions. People lose their homes or are evicted from their apartments. Workers and even middle class people are confronted suddenly with the choice of buying either food or medicine when they and their families fall ill. Last year, more people were forced into bankruptcy than ever before; 50 percent were filed by people who could not pay their medical bills.
What can be done? There are only two choices. Either we can continue suffering under the present capitalist system with a tiny group owning everything and seeking to make greater profits. Or we can fight for socialism—a system where people are the priority, not profits. Under socialism, the economy is structured in a rational and ecologically sustainable manner to ensure that the basic needs of all people are met. Only under socialism will the economy brought into the realm of true democracy.
The La Riva/Puryear presidential campaign is rooted in the struggle for socialism. We believe a better world is possible and together we can make it happen.
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The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a newly formed working class party of leaders and activists from many different struggles, founded to promote the movement for revolutionary change and to fight for socialism--a system where the wealth of society belongs to those who produce it, the working class, and is used in a planned and sustainable way for the benefit of all.
The PSL is proud to announce that our party is fielding a slate of candidates 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. In various cities across the country, the party will also run local candidates, including Iraq war veteran Michael Prysner, who is running for Congress in Florida.
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Become a volunteer in PSL's 2008 campaign. A vote for La Riva and Puryear is a vote for socialism and liberation, and against capitalist war, racism, bigotry and exploitation. Become an advocate for people's rights and revolutionary change!
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