Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

March 22: IVAW Benefit w/ Son Of Nun, Head-Roc, Ryan Harvey, Militant Advocates, and more!

A concert to benefit Iraq Veterans Against the War and the Yellow Rose of Texas peace bus.
MARCH 22nd
@ 2640 (27th and St. Paul St.)

$5-10, sliding scale donation!

"Iraq Veterans against the War has been at the forefront of the long-haul movement to end the US occupation of Iraq - it's pretty easy to turn out for an antiwar demo when all your friends are doing it - it's another thing entirely to commit yourself to ending the occupation when it means turning your back on the military, to deal with the fact that while you know that the war is unjust and fought without respect or concern for the lives of the soldiers who are asked to die for it, that you will be branded a traitor, not just to your country, but to the friends you've left behind who are still fighting. We're especially impressed with the active duty soldiers who've joined IVAW.

We were thus really saddened to learn in the middle of January that the Yellow Rose of Texas Peace Bus, which had been in use by IVAW to get their message out all across the country, was torched at a South Jersey rest stop. So we're throwing a benefit concert for IVAW, with S.O.N., Head-Roc, Ryan Harvey, and the Militant Advocates, plus speakers from IVAW - turn out and show your support!"

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