Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq and Afghanistan - Screenings March 14th and 15th

From March 13-16th, U.S. veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan will gather in DC to testify to what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground in these occupations.
Iraq Veterans Speak Out

March 14th and 15th, 9:00 PM
@ Red Emma's (800 St. Paul St.)


The four-day event will bring together veterans from across the country to testify about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan - and present video and photographic evidence. In addition, there will be panels of scholars, veterans, journalists, and other specialists to give context to the testimony. These panels will cover everything from the history of the GI resistance movement to the fight for health benefits.

The Winter Soldier hearings will be closed to the general public but we will be hosting 2 nights of footage from the testimonies on march 14th and 15th in Baltimore.

For more info, see:

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