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Hillary vs. Demockracy

Does Hillary stand a chance against entrenched stupidity?
Dear Honorable Senator Hillary Clinton;

Do you realize that your time in the spotlight is almost up? Have you addressed any aspect of what really ails this place? You did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance! God promised to scatter the bones of anyone camping against you, but you go on addressing the inane things that these dumkopfs want you to address, knowing that no one can address such things without messing up. Don't forget that if you oppose the Devil, he will flee! Everything that you need to know is on the computer. You need to expose the stupidity that rules and keep on exposing it until there is no one left to oppose you. There is no hope for Babylon on the Potomac. Since September, the Fools of Babylon 9/30 has been there, explaining how the "blood of all who have been slain on the earth" arises from Washington, DC. 3/2/08 GHW Bush said last night that voting results from every single state so far have been rigged! He also said, "No body's gonna make my kid understand!"; i.e. No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It, which means that the Bush Nazis are going to get rid of you and your body and anyone who comes looking for you if you try to prove that they are criminals. That is why God says that the look on their faces will betray them. (Is. 3:9) They have set things up so that you will be killed if you try to prove any of their criminal activities. You have to rely on that look alone.(Deut. 13:6-9) Just mention their rigging the vote etc. Demockracy is a matter of being mocked by demons; kind caring demons, posing as "angels of light". Once you lose on Tuesday, you will probably find it impossible to attract the attention of the media; i.e. GHW Bush's "military". GHW says that Obama is as stupid as Dumb Boy Dubya for the same reason. They must be teleprompting him too! Every single word is planned in advanced if that's the case; i.e. coprophagic intelligence rules demockracy. Good luck! Here's the latest:


Islam and Allah came from Ishmael, a wild donkey of a man whose hand was against everyone, and everyone's hand was against him.(Gen. 16:12) Mohammed was an Ishmaelite. Saddam was an Israelite living by the sword!(Mt. 26:52 Rev. 13:10) Saddam was murdered!

...All religions are bogus, for they present a superficial view of God and the world. Being an Israelite is what it's all about. ""You shall refute every tongue that rises against you. That is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication from me." says the Lord" (Is. 54:17) Leave this place as an Israelite, and you will be back here in a few years to rule with this Lord, who they call Jesus. What was His name? Tell me if you know! For the latest, see GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil* "Nothing to say, but "What a day! How's your war been? How do you let W know that those are W's supporters you're killing? Do you put some kind of mark on their foreheads? "666, love GHW Bush!"?" GHW said, "NO!" Of course you know that he lives in The Closet; "Where yes means no, and no means yes; Where those without can only guess!" I can only imagine what W is doing to GHW's supporters.

From Big Red Captain Charts the Course!

....Another thing that I revealed to Captain Hausner was what I knew about Cornell's Big Red Charter, which empowers Cornell to do whatever it takes to get rid of these Bush Nazis, create a "nation on that day", and claim Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land.(Zech. 2:12) The 1963 New World Translation of the Holy Scripture has the best map of Judah, the "USSR of the Mideast". Ref. GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil*

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