Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Labor

**Hotel Workers Rising!** Baltimore City Center Sheraton Workers DemonstrationWednesday, February 27, 4:30 PM

**Hotel Workers Rising!**

Baltimore City Center Sheraton Workers Demonstration
Wednesday, February 27, 4:30 PM
101 W. Fayette St.
Baltimore, MD

Support the workers at the Sheraton City Center and come to the
demonstration at their hotel the day before their next negotiations.

The second largest industry in Baltimore is the Hospitality Industry.
Our city is heavily investing in the development of convention and
tourism business. Hotel workers want to make sure that jobs in this
growing sector of the economy are good family sustaining jobs.

Hospitality workers from the Sheraton Center City Hotel, who work for
Columbia Sussex Co., have endorsed a boycott of their hotel. After
almost two years of negotiations without a Union contract, Columbia
Sussex is insisting that workers agree to work without adequate
rights, job security, decent wages, affordable heath care or a pension
UNITE HERE! Mid-Atlantic Regional Joint Board
Baltimore, MD 410-659-2191

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