obama is just israel, testings its mind control over US citizens...they have bought off the lazy and the stupid and the weak, so they know that mind control is in place, and will remain so until their paper money tanks, which might be this week, or next, but they want to see if they can keep their middle eastern butt-think in place, where they will remain forever Gods chosen people.

Media reports describing Senator Obama's 'messianic' appeal to masses of American people .. So popular to the American people has Senator Obama become that an Internet video promoting his candidacy has become the most popular in history with nearly 4 million views.
However, not to Senator Obama should the American people be looking for their greatest insight into this man, and their future, but rather their attention should be placed upon last centuries great Kenyan Prophet, Johanwa Owalo, the founder of Kenya's Nomiya Luo Church, and who among the Kenya people of the Luo religion is believed to be a prophet similar to Jesus Christ and Muhammad, and who in 1912 made this horrific prophecy about the United States:
"So far have they [the United States] strayed into wickedness in those [future] times that their destruction has been sealed by my [father]. Their great cities will burn, their crops and cattle will suffer disease and death, their children will perish from diseases never seen upon this Earth, and I reveal to you the greatest [mystery] of all as I have been allowed to see that their [the United States] destruction will come about through the vengeful hands of one of our very own sons." [1]
To the greatest accuracy of the Kenyan Prophet Johanwa Owalo's words we must note the striking coincidence that this nearly 100-year-old prophecy seemingly echoes into our troubled times, Senator Obama does appear to be the fulfillment of this prophecy as he is, indeed, a 'son' of the Kenyan Luo tribal religion (a mixture of Christianity and African tribal beliefs) as he was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii to Barack Obama, Sr. (born in Nyanza Province, Kenya, of Luo ethnicity) and Stanley Ann Dunham (who was given her fathers first name).
Even more interesting, perhaps, is that this son of the Kenyan Luo peoples, Barack Obama, is seeking to become the leader of the United States at the exact same time that the Nation of his father is in crisis due to the flawed, and as some say 'stolen', election which has plunged the Kenyan people into tribal warfare which has claimed over 1,000 lives, and which many of the of the Luo's believe is ushering in the times predicted by their Prophet Johanwa Owalo.
One of the questions we must ask ourselves in the light of the messianic rise of Barack Obama, towards the most powerful military/political office in the World, is if the current events of his fathers homeland, Kenya, and when juxtaposed with the prophecies of Johanwa Owalo, are providing us with a vision of the United States future as it too appears to be boarding upon open civil war due to the destruction of its Middle Class and the continued rise to total rulership of its Imperial Class?
Another curious aspect of this new messianic figure Barack Obama, and in the context of the United States Presidential election as a whole, are that the two major American political parties have both fielded candidates whose families pasts included adherents to the practice of polygamy, with the Republican candidate Mitt Romney (currently not campaigning) being an adherent to the Mormon faith (whose mainstream members shun this practice), and Senator Obama, whose father, Barack Obama Sr., and upon his death in 1982 from an automobile accident, left behind 3 wives, 6 sons, and one daughter.
To all of these events herein detailed, and when examined in the context of all of human history, the rise of those deemed to have messianic qualities and/or attributes do indeed presage times of great upheaval and Total World War. For as we have long known, and seen by the examples of Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, etc., those who lead Nations, and peoples of Nations, by the strength of their messianic 'visions' have left in their historic wake the deaths of hundreds of millions of human beings.
Today a new such messianic figure has arisen on the World stage; his name is Barack Obama, a name that soon all humanity may grow to fear.
[1] "Visions of the Great Nyasaye, A Study of the Luo Religion in Kenya", © 1915