Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Barack Obama Favors Early Release of Sex Offenders From Prison

Before you vote for Barack Obama read his record ( Barack Obama Exposed ).
The following is from ( Barack Obama Exposed ). On page 12 you will find Obama opposed a bill that prohibited a early release of criminal sex offenders from prison. He wanted to give sex offenders an early out.
On page 8 you wiil find. To require prisoners to pay court costs for frivolous lawsuits. Obama voted no on this bill. To restrict locations of adult business (Porn Stores, Strip clubs etc.) and away from schools, public parks, preschools and churches. Obama did not vote on this bill. To make schools with minors install software in public computers so students (minors) could not access porn. Obama voted no on this bill. To allow people to buy hypodermic needles without a prescription. Obama voted yes on this bill.
On page 7 read about Barack Obama's business scandal and his lack of ethics with Tony Rezko. Rezko is under indictment with criminal charges in Illinois. About Rezko: To quote from page 7, Paragraph 7. "Obama, through his dealings with an indicted political fundraiser, was able to purchase his luxurious home at a cut rate price"
Also on page 7 you will find. Obama accepted a bribe from John Armanda for a senate internship.

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