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RACIST Holding Conference On East Coast THIS WEEKEND!

POWER - People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers
from POWER - People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers

Please FWD the info listed below to any groups on the east coast.. Here in southern CA we have a racist group called American Patrol ( and also the California Coalition for Immigration Reform is at it again, and planning for their conference on the east coast set to happen this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Farmingville, NY . This group is EXTREMLY racist.. has been directly connected to hate groups here in CA and elsewhere.. mobilize

-----You are invited to participate in the
2nd National Congress of Immigration Reform
September 6,7,8 2002

Sponsored by the Sachem Quality of Life Organization
Call 516 480-7124 to register ASAP
The Congress will be held at the Hampton Inn, Farmingville, NY
CONTACT David Glazer for convention rate air fares
and lodging at
For anyone who has an "Entertainment Card" you can book a room at the
Radisson Hotel in Farmingville 631 758-2900 only $89.50 which can
save up to
$60 a day
Go to They are having a summer special...$10 !
stays can be arranged
Call 516 480-7124 to make arrangements
Costs for the conference is $45 to be mailed to
P.O.Box 767 FARMINGVILLE, NY 11738
Last August, grass roots activists from 16 states convened
in Farmingville, Long Island, NY, for the first
A declaration was presented to the officials urging them to act to
INS laws to curtail illegal immigration to assure national security.
It was ignored.
Exactly 37 days later, illegal immigrant alien terrorists crashed two
into the World Trade Center towers only 50 miles away from where the
congress took place .......
Attend the 2nd Congress for Immigration Reform to assure the
effectiveness of
your patriotic citizen activism

The 2nd CONGRESS promises to be an excellent opportunity to hear some
of the
finest presenters in the immigration control movement.
1) Deputization of local police [section 133] to assist in enforcing
INS laws
2) Legal/political initiatives to combat illegal immigration..........
3) Porous borders, ranchers, illegal immigration and terrorism the
front line protecting your community and theirs..................
4) Ecology, globalism and illegal immigration problems abroad
5) Activism - Grass Roots Demonstrations and network alliances

Many of the potential presenters and attendees agree that the one year
anniversary of 9/11 would be a very appropriate time for a conference
inform the American public about how little has actually been done to
illegal immigration and to secure our borders since 9/11. These
further jeopardize our national security. Being that Farmingville,
NY is so close to Ground Zero, one day of the conference will be
dedicated to
a trip to "Ground Zero" and it will be pointed out that the attacks
a direct result of uncontrolled massive illegal immigration and the
of the government to enforce its own laws. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING
Sachem Qality of Life
516 480-7124
P.O.Box 767 Farmingville, NY 11738

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