Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Education

Sustainable Knowledge-Sharing Program Launched by NorthEast Anarchist Network

Members of the NorthEast Anarchist Network have seen a growing need for greater accessibility to radical workshops and skillshares. In response to this, we have launched a “Traveling Skillshare Program” in order to bring a wide array of collaborative presentations to communities in and around our region, both radical and otherwise.
Independent media, such as the Infoshop network and the various Indymedia collectives worldwide, are a fantastic counter to the major news networks that strive to maintain the status quo. However, members of the NorthEast Anarchist Network have seen a growing need for greater accessibility to radical workshops and skillshares. Such collaborative trainings are widely available in major urban areas, but individuals and groups located away from large cities are often forced to choose between traveling to the scheduled trainings or missing them completely. In many ways, this centralization of skillshare activities has hampered the efforts of those in smaller towns to expand their practical knowledge, and from sharing the skills and experience they already have with people who live in urban areas.

In response to this, we have launched a “Traveling Skillshare Program” in order to bring a wide array of collaborative presentations to communities in and around our region, both radical and otherwise. We have prepared a “menu” of the skillshares, workshops, and panels that members of our Network are all too willing to present to interested individuals and groups, covering topics ranging from “Chemical Weapons & Police Tactics” to “De-Mystifying Lady Bits” to “Grassroots Disaster Relief”. Anyone interested in hosting one or more of our presentations, whether to complement a planned event or for a customized, multi-day skillshare extravaganza, is invited to contact us through our skillshare program page and our Network will work with you to send trainers to your area. Through this program, we are eagerly hoping to share our knowledge as well as build connections with people we would otherwise never have had a chance to meet. Many of us see this as an important step for both our Network and the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions in general.

In this era of increasing repression and government control, those who are opposed to the creeping advances of capitalist-driven fascism must fight fire with fire. If the government is aiming for total control of information and knowledge, autonomous alternatives become a necessity. The internet is an invaluable resource, but nothing can replace human interaction and collaborative learning.

Visit our website at:
Our skillshare program page can be found at:

Who we are:
We are a regional, horizontal, organizing network in the NorthEast, striving to link those committed to anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppressive struggles.
We recognize that the anarchist movement has a diversity of perspectives and priorities. We seek to nurture solidarity and mutual aid amongst all participants of the Network, especially in the face of repression.
With recognition and respect for existing organizations, networks, and federations engaged in these struggles, we have created a network, not to replace any of them but to connect all of them, not as an end in itself but as a process and a means to pursue the following collective aims:
1. To strengthen our mutual aid across the Northeast; to forge the relationships, make the connections, and share the resources we need to sustain this mutual aid.
2. To open up lines of communication and coordination among groups active in the NorthEast and to facilitate the production of propaganda and educational programs.
3. To link up our resistance to and confrontation with the local points in global systems of oppression and destruction, and ultimately, to lend support to local struggles whenever and wherever needed.
4. To help each other develop working, sustainable models of autonomy, solidarity, and popular power, and to plant the seeds of the new world in the shell of the old.
5. To build relationships with communities and practice solidarity by actively recognizing the leadership and organized resistance of communities directly affected.
6. To support the struggles of working-class people and the solidarity of labor, advance awareness of class, and support the intersecting struggles of all oppressed peoples.
7. To defend planet Earth and all its oppressed inhabitants from those who would exploit and destroy it, for profit and empire, to the detriment of all who live here.

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