Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD

The Appalling Conditions at the Code Blue Shelter

The lack of blankets and towels in the Code Blue
I am a homeless disabled veteran(I have heart disease and a kidney problem). I am now staying at the Code Blue shelter. There is a lack of blankets and towels for persons staying at the Code Blue Shelter.
!. A few times I ask to take a shower and was told there was no towels.

2.Monday night I was apart of the overflow and had to sleep in a chair in the auditorium with no blanket.
The next night I slept in the cafeteria and was told that I could have as many blankets as I wanted but the twenty or so men sleeping in the auditorium were not allowed any blankets.
Friday night after I was released from the hospital(I had chest pain and was kept overnight.)
I was asigned a cot which had no blanket or sheet.
Iwas to ask for a blanket and told to go back to the room. There was another white guy beside myself had no blanket. All the black guys were given sheets and blankets.
My viewpoint is that everybody in the building should assign a cot and issued a towel soap sheets and blanket and that they be clean.

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