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Baltimore IMC

News :: Biotechnology

the 3 phases of chemtrail

There are multiple vectors to a chemtrail.
As soon as the mechanically deagglomerated powder is sprayed in a line it acts as a light capturing reflective device which focuses vast amounts of sunlight on small areas of the planets surface. This is according to the HAARP Patent itself, and my personal observations and photographic record. Large amounts of energy concentrated on small portions of the earth, where people happen to be, will of course stun the thought processes and other bodily functions of the living things there, because we are talking about big time changes in the immediate environment of those living things, albeit largely invisible, but energies so vast most people cannot imagine. I think it is huge energy conditioning, and used in conjunction with the antennae farms and wireless active auroral grids across the world now, and the obvious drugging aspects of what is actually being sprayed, there are some very alarming conclusions to be made, and quickly. Also these sprayed lines propagate laser and other directable energies of a concentrated nature, this is where the surveillance aspects are most evident: earth penetrating tomography just one small aspect of what is possible with this active aurora technology. Through-roof-radar, etc etc…OK. Some of the particulate sprayed is barium oxide, a dessicant water gathering substance which causes a number of deletrious side effects among we who are sprayed with it daily. We also find a lot of medical waste indicators to a lot of the sprayed samples raining down on us daily…its possible some wunderkind has figgered a way to cook those bothersome medical wastes, like in a concrete furnace or something, then also learned to nanopowder this medical waste, as a means of disposal, hoping the suns forces will annihilate any hazards not disposed of prior to disbursement. Overall, airborne particulate of ANY type seems to be a major objective of this spraying/energy program. Propagators. Facilitators.


This brings us to the second vector of the chemtrails, and that is the spreading of the chemical/particulate cloud. These chemical clouds are very manipulable with antennae energies, plus they actually become electrified as a byproduct of their focusing/ground heating activities of phase one. Undulating, washboard-like artifacts in the clouds are one indicator some heavy antennae energy is/was being broadcast, and also orderly forms like tendril hands, eye of horus, chevrons in rows, mammatus, and more. So. As our chemical cloud spreads it can and does become an obscurant from prying eyes above, such as satellites, and high planes, and it also can and does become a magnifier of the suns energies on the ground below, depending on the chemical makeup of what was sprayed. Lensing. Mirrors. As well, there actually IS a vast amount of degradation of a photochemical nature taking place as this fine fine powder spreads and is irradiated by the vast powers of the sun….some of this degradation causes other energies, laser of low grade but big power…you watchers and photographers have your pictures of all these, I have seen them, I have taken them myself…so these clouds become charged ion plasmas, active auroral, like the aurora borealis, but very portable and customizable. These ion plasmas now become super powerful antennae and capable of creating vast fields on and below the surface of the earth, easily able to encompass smaller targets such as houses, to whole neighborhoods and cities. Another phase of the spread cloud of chemtrails is this: they can also entrap waves and other energy forms within the shell-like enclosure of what I term the broadcast canopy. Tesla Dome, Dirac shell….you are here.


The third aspect of chemtrails is the actual physical conditioning of the organisms below via the ingestion of the chemical substances being sprayed. What you are getting at every nights inversion, and just about all the time now, seeing as the spraying has been going on hot and heavy since 911…what you are getting is made to help you jump better to the wireles energies just recently installed in your total environment for surveillance, law enforcement, behaviour modification, and all in the name of international law enforcement for your international owners, who do not feel safe around all you gun freaks, unless they are drugging you and killing you slowly 24-7. Disdain and hate is what you have hired to work for you so far, and they hate you, in direct proportion their exalted state is dependent on your largesse. Lets wake up shall we?…..there are many layers to the overall technology, and its origins are scary and almost unbelievable.


to lo:

the ability to draw energy away from a target is a major weapon in the ENMOD arsenal, and is the opposite of the heating weapons like microwave satellites, active auroras, and ionospheric mirrors/lenses of all types….

btw there was major scalar experimentation of the freeze weapons out here this morning….they can drop temperature in targeted areas 20-30 degrees quickly now, very small areas

pass it on, add to the archives, also sometimes the drones are beacons for a lot of the military focusing of the antennae/satellite/tectonic ultrasound fields…there is even talk of laser fields, 3D, i doubt it not, but it is below or above consciously visible to be subliminal to work on the psyches of the targets without their knowledge…

its all about the antennae

the new world order ends when the antennae come down



This is what a lot of the UAV aerosol spraying is about

Total info awareness indeed….notice the part about plasmas, directed
energy weapons, and specific technical sensors…ionized plasmas are active
auroras — that means gigantic airborne antennae — just one weapon among the many different Airborne Platforms required to deploy foreign prison technology on Americans….

Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT)

Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) is scientific and technical
intelligence information obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis
of data (metric, angle, spatial, wavelength, time dependence, modulation,
************** plasma************, and hydromagnetic) derived from
specific technical sensors for the purpose of identifying any distinctive
features associated with the source, emitter, or sender and to facilitate
subsequent identification and/or measurement of the same.

MASINT includes:

   Radar Intelligence (RADINT)

   Acoustic Intelligence (ACOUSTINT)

   Nuclear Intelligence (NUCINT)

   Radio Frequency/Electromagnetic Pulse Intelligence (RF/EMPINT) ********

   Electro-optical Intelligence (ELECTRO-OPTINT)

   Laser Intelligence (LASINT)

   Materials Intelligence

   Unintentional Radiation Intelligence (RINT)

   Chemical and Biological Intelligence (CBINT)

   Directed Energy Weapons Intelligence (DEWINT) ****************

   Effluent/Debris Collection

   Spectroscopic Intelligence

   Infrared Intelligence (IRINT)

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