Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Right Wing

Name That Nazi!

It's a game.
#1 In the early days, he colluded with G.Lincoln Rockwell, and other members of both the American Nazi Party and the KKK based on his own beleif in forced repatriation of blacks to Africa. He also publicly advocated killing Malcolm X.

Later, as he rose through the ranks of his organiztion, he began showing unmatched vitriol for Jews, calling them "Bloodsuckers" and calling Judaism a "gutter religion". He even tried to stir up blacks by blaming the Jews for the slave trade. He called Adolph Hitler a great man, and accepted funds from California Klan leader/W.A.R. founder Tom Metzger. He's called for forcible black repatriation to africa, war on jews, death to gays, and gender-segregated schools.

#2 This nazi called New York "Hyminch town" because he says it's run by Jews and their money. He also regularly champions people he knows to be in the wrong because of their ethnicity.

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