Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Schedule of events happening at the January 26th and 27th Consulta in Frederick, MD

The Frederick consulta is being held at the Frederick Cultural Arts center which is located at 15 W Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701

On January 26th and 27th

11-12: Gentrification
12-12:10: ACTIVITY
12:10-1:10: Veteran Issues
1:10-1:20: ACTIVITY
1:20-3:20: Street Blockading
3:20-3:30: ACTIVITY
3:30-4:30: African Issues (African People's Socialist Party)
4:30-4:40: ACTIVITY
4:40-6:40: Legal Aid

11-1: Staying Safe In The Streets
1-1:20: ACTIVITY
1:20-4:20: Police Tactics
4:20-4:40: ACTIVITY
4:40-6:40: Street Medic Training

After each day there are stratigizing secessions.

After each day of works shops there is a plan strategizing session
The Frederick consulta is being held at the Frederick Cultural Arts center which is located at 15 W Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21701

On January 26th and 27th

11-12: Gentrification
12-12:10: ACTIVITY
12:10-1:10: Veteran Issues
1:10-1:20: ACTIVITY
1:20-3:20: Street Blockading
3:20-3:30: ACTIVITY
3:30-4:30: African Issues (African People's Socialist Party)
4:30-4:40: ACTIVITY
4:40-6:40: Legal Aid

11-1: Staying Safe In The Streets
1-1:20: ACTIVITY
1:20-4:20: Police Tactics
4:20-4:40: ACTIVITY
4:40-6:40: Street Medic Training

After each day there are stratigizing secessions.

After each day of works shops there is a plan strategizing session

for a little fun:

Once upon a time, in a universe far, far away there existed a tangerine.

This was a usual tangerine, who did normal tangerine type things and generally wasn't about to shake up the tree. The tangerines overwhelming loyalty to the tree was the thing of legends, in fact, it would take another story just to compare similar loyalties to that of the tangerine.

Everyday, the tangerine did what it was supposed to do, as defined by the powers that be, which decided standard tangerine duties, until one day...

The orchard was finding itself taken over by tangelos. Many tangerines, weren't very happy about the influx the tangelo populace, and so the many heads of trees got together and formed a committee.

First, they decided they needed open up the tangelo/tangerine relations. Then they created agreements of inter-pollination, or free pollination.

Some of the tangerines weren't happy about this initial agreement. It offset the tangerines usefulness. The happiness that tangelos provided for other beings seemed to outweigh the happiness provided by tangerines.

In response, an organization of tangerines was created called the “Tangerine Coalition” designed to maintain tangerine supremacy.

What the Tangerine supremacists didn't realize, was that a tangerine strategy was there all along. The heads of trees figured that if the market was overblown with tangelo goodness, eventually the other beings would get tired of tangelos, and come back to the tangerines.

What was great about it, was that the heads of trees were receiving pollen kickbacks. They were becoming big old juicy tangerines.

Now, to be sure, this was a democratic process. The heads of trees were elected by the rest of the tree. There were initial elections held defining sides that the tangerines would take on the state of the tree, and then there was a run off. There were two main sides. There were alternate sides, but their feelings were only felt after the initial run-off. Most people felt that the third party tangerines were getting in the way, anyway.

Now, comes for the moment for our central tangerine character. This tangerine, who we'll call Gomerlee, found itself unhappy. It really didn't want to be part of the tree anymore. In fact, it didn't want to identify as a tangerine!

The way the tree is set up, if you aren't part of the tree, you can always leave. Some do, they fall on the ground and rot. If they are lucky they make their own tree with their own seeds. But tangerines had a choice, according to the heads of trees. And this was proof freedom in the trees.

Gomerlee, being what it was, had visions of being a bird. To the tree, this was unacceptable. Even more unacceptable than being a tangelo. After all, there was a War on Birds! Birds would come and poop on the limbs of the branches! They were aggressors! Trying to harm tangerine ways of life!

What's a tangerine to do?

Easy, smash the tree. What usefulness would the tree have if all the tangerines fell off the tree out of season?

The first step for the tangerines, would be to hold a meeting, create coalitions with the the tangelos, and allow tangerines to identify as a birds if they want to.

Sometimes, to soar above the crowd, you don't have to be born with wings.

Bird-identified tangerines unite!

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