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Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

War Has been declared

Yes the war has been declared. It has been declared against humanities freedoms, liberties and health. You have been unknowingly disarmed. You have lost the most powerful weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the truth. Society has been fed a diet of professional propaganda lies since before your birth.
War has been declared.pdf (78 k)
War Has been declared by Daniel J Towsey Yes the war has been declared. It has been declared against humanities freedoms, liberties and health. You have been unknowingly disarmed. You have lost the most powerful weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the truth. Society has been fed a diet of professional propaganda lies since before your birth. People have been so will conditioned or mind controlled through suggestion that if anyone writes or speaks anything about the true state of events. You automatically block it out. The conditioning is so effective that people do not know how to do any critical thinking of their own. They can not think freely. They can not be free healthy thinkers. For lies and deceptions always equals mental illness and truth always equals mental or social health. This new “Violent Radicalisation and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act H.R. 1955 law that is about to come into existence, also rightly known as “The Thought Crime Act… Is their Nuclear Bomb Being Dropped on you… Except unlike the innocent Christians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You know it is coming and you still have a chance to protect yourself from it… But if you do not stop this law. You will never again get the chance to, and your future will be quiet dead. If you loose your freedom of speech then truth dies, and without truth we will all become subhumans. Which is what they think we are anyway. I’ve heard that they say we are just cattle. We will all become disposable and have no rights at all. Where almost there now. Study and learn what this Act is now…for it will be the most important thing you will ever do in your life.. You have to STOP this. For after this Act passes, articles like this one and all others on the net will be illegal. So we are reaching a point were even laws will mean nothing. For this world is controlled by the criminally insane. Please read my article “Recipe for insanity” if you want to better understand. I have been writing articles on the net since 2000. My articles are posted on thousands of web pages. My articles are getting harder to find as Google and all other search engines are now blocking my pages from showing up. And many websites are actively making it difficult for me to post them. This new act will make it impossible for any sites to host my articles or any other free thinkers articles. It will be a crime to publish the truth. Google has classified my articles as ‘literary bombs’ for my articles are so powerful for all the truths that I am revealing. They literally are blowing peoples minds…Unfortunately time is running out so fast for truth and free speech that I have had no choice but to do what I can to inform the sheeple or other wise known as lemmings. It’s time for all of us to become caring humans… This article is quiet tame and is intended to be an introduction for you to follow the links below to many of my other articles. But please be advised that my articles will be for most. The very first time in your life where you will see the hidden truths of the history of our planet. If this law passes this maybe your last chance to learn the truth. What is happening in the USA is exactly the same as what was done to the Good Christians of Germany and it is being done by the same secret society members of the fraudulent financial system. The struggle for Freedom and Liberty has always been at risk. But you have been fooled into a temporary false sense of security and prosperity. All this has been done by the fraudulent financial system of England and the USA. I hate that claim that they were spreading democracy. That’s impossible since the US has not had a democracy since the creation of the secretly and privately owned Federal Reserve. Have you noticed the finalisation date of the North American Union Government is the hundred year anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve. You see the criminally insane have no natural limits on them due to the unlimited power they have from their free money. This is why the structure of numbers is so important to them… While you were living the good life. Your military and secret agents were actively and deliberately destroying this planet. Please read my “The Last Democracy” to better understand. If you are still able to continue in your quest for truth then please read my very controversial and revealing article called “Are you ready for the truth?” They have used this financial system to finance and create all the wars from both sides in the world for the past hundred years. They have also used their ability to produce money out of thin air to control your medias, movies, and schools to fully condition and control you. If you are still reading then you are more exceptional then most. I am doing my best to keep you reading as the real truth is so far from what you have been conditioned to think. That truth writers like me are struggling so hard to help our good fellow humans to understand and wake up. I think that many people now are waking up to the reality that there really is a group of totally insane people destroying this world. If you read my “Recipe for insanity” you will understand what I mean. Just a short note on 9/11, which was their way of you dropping your liberties for a false security. The unjustly named Patriot Acts are absolutely scary to read. Those documents have made the constitution and all your rights null and void. Please read my “The Gray Plane That No One Saw” The military commissions “Torture” Act is even scarier. It eliminated ‘abeus corpus’ which is everyone’s right to a fair trial. If you do enough research you would discover that they have been undoing all cultures, democracies and what ever forms of fair governments and financial systems that the good people of the world have struggled for ever to create. Some believe in “God” I believe in “Good” But do remember that the USA’s democracy was created by good Christians. You have been living in the ever diminishing results of all our good ancestors. Unfortunately the knowledge of our true past has not been taught in our schools due to “The Deliberate Dumbing Down” of our youth. Who are now the adults of today, Which through the very effective conditioning have almost no respect for their elders, parents or our country’s history, or our heritage. I would surprised if they even know how to spell that word. Soon works of literature like mine and of many others in the past will as always deliberately disappear. The internet has provided us a small and brief chance at getting a glimpse of reality. But even that is going to come to an end very soon. Thanks to the very sophisticated filtering software that is now being implemented all over the net. Knowing people have been careful to make copies of the hidden knowledge when they find it…. Now remember if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Sitting on the post never works. You’ll always end up with a very sore rearend and you will always come to a very dumbdefying hard drop to the ground..Then you’ll be saying “DUH” But pray that when you fall you have something to fall on and not a six foot deep hole. For while your sitting on that post you make for a very pleasing target for the brainwashed robots that are carrying around their very sophisticated weaponry. We have only one choice. That is to join “The Truth Revolution”. It’s easy. Just learn the truth and use your only weapon. That is the almighty “WORD”. Start telling everyone you can what is and has happened to humanity. And tell them the biggest secret of all. The secret of the secret societies. And that is that by controlling the money they have been able to achieve their insanity. The control of money should never be in the hands of the few. It should always be in the hands of the masses. For it is to big a responsibility for it to be any other way. Because of this huge error in our civilisation. I am afraid that the unchecked insanity is going to lead us into the insanity of Infinity. So please read my article “Infinity” Now start loving and caring… Lets hope this is not THE END Links: Recipe for insanity Video on “Violent Radicalisation and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act H.R. 1955 Conspiracies Club, Huge collection of resources for truth research My youtube video collection, subscribe and check out the hundreds of videos in my collection The Last Democracy Are you ready for the truth? The Gray Plane That No One Saw Please watch Aron Russo’s VIDEO America from freedom to fascism The Money Masters VIDEO International Bankers Gained Control of America The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private … all » hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money The Capitalist Conspiracy VIDEO This is an adaptation of a documentary filmstrip tracing the history of a small group of people who control the money systems of the world. It shows how this group is protected by governments and how its wealth is derived by creating money out of nothing. We see how this group wields power through government, foundations, education, and the mass media. It has aided such regimes as Russia and China, not because it is pro-Communist, but because a visible enemy and the threat of war have been useful in persuading the masses to embrace the group's ultimate goal: a world government which they expect to control from behind the scenes. They are now working to replace fear of nuclear war with fear of global pollution as the motivation for world government. It is clear that the plan revealed in this program continues to unfold. The secrets of income tax Pay No Income Tax America - Destroyed By Design FIND OUT HOW THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE US IS BEING SUBORDINATED TO GLOBAL INTERESTS: FOUNDATIONS AT THE PRESIDIO, UNITED NATIONS, CHINESE INTERESTS, PANAMA CANAL. SEE HOW THE UNITED NATIONS INDOCTRINATES OUR CHILDREN. SEE INTERVIEWS WITH WITNESSES OF OKLAHOMA BOMBING… MORE. Art of Mental Warfare video Despotism Heres a really important word for you to learn…. Add to Technorati Favorites
Are you ready for the truth updated.pdf (249 k)
Cell Phones.pdf (30 k)
Once Upon a Time There Was A Canada.pdf (246 k)
Recipe for Insanity.pdf (85 k)
The Gray Plane that no one saw.pdf (47 k)
The Last Democracy.pdf (80 k)
Introspection.pdf (46 k)
The American Constitution.pdf (106 k)

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