Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Latin America

Friday Jan 11 @ Red Emma's: Costa Rican resistance to CAFTA and Neoliberalism.

Join us for a presentation on the organizing and resistance around CAFTA within Costa Rica. Also to possibly hear about organizing at home and the effects that free trade and neoliberal policies have had here as well as abroad.

CAFTA is a Free Trade Agreement set by the powers within the United States, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Domincan Republic and Nicaragua. It is an agreement by those countries to remove various trade barriers and to allow for the free flow of capital and privatization. The result of this agreement and other Free Trade agreements and the general shift of economic political policies toward neoliberalism has led to a growing disparity and divide among those at the bottom of society to the fewer at the top. This has put a lot of gains that people have previously fought for on the chopping block, such as labor rights, the environment etc.

More info on organizing:
See you there!

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