Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

S.1959 Could Prohibit Gun-Ownership for many Americans

“The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act." Thought Crime Bill
If passed, S.1959 will create a powerful “new government commission” that will investigate and report to the U.S. Government which Americans and organizations are “idealistically based toward Violence”, might or do support "Violent Radicalization; or Homegrown Terrorism.

It should be expected that organizations and U.S. Citizens “Reported” by this “S.1959 government commission” as being “idealistically based toward Violence” or "Violent Radicalization”—will not be allowed to own firearms—in the name of “Public Safety.”

After S.1959 is passed, what elected Representative would dare defend an organization or U.S. Citizen alleged by this “government commission” to be
“Idealistically based toward Violence” or "Violent Radicalization?”

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