The straw which broke the camel's back, today can be found at the Hindu Kush (word's most prominent) breaking of empires closely followed by Kosovo in the Balkans.

The infamous camel
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Some of the known languages within the small space of the Hindu Kush.
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Alexander the Great managed to just get there but died on his way back home.

This is the only chess-board that even remotely illustrates these two regions (the Hindu Kush and the Balkans)
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KFOR protection force is protecting his own hide, while the Roma (Gypsy) settlement is burning.
In some countries a writing of this type is either tantamount to grand treason or a Nobel Prize, depends on where it’s published. I hope for neither. Just a little bit of a broad background that we, here in the United States can use to our benefit, since we don’t really pay much attention to the rest of the world.
The way we lived (up to now – all of us) we came to know two major chess boards of the world. I’ll try to illustrate why these chess boards are so difficult and why it is next to impossible to solve this riddle in the field of geopolitics, with a brief overview on history, military campaigns, conquerors, prior wars, present wars, as well as impending imminent wars.
Let’s get the two areas named for starters:
a) The Hindu Kush – Afghanistan, North-West India, Nepal, South-East Iraq, Pakistan.
b) The Balkans (former Yugoslavia, today’s Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. etc.
A chapter needs to be illustrated by the people who live there and the languages spoken which are the first two images. After we learned what a nightmare it is to go out of your village to find that the next village uses different currency, different language, religion, etc. HOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS HAROLD CHRIST CAN THE UNITED STATES DO ANYTHING RIGHT? We can not. In spite of all the good intentions on Earth. Many empires had their back broken there, starting with Alexander the Great and the British Empire now we (Americans) are losing a rib by rib but not yet the entire back. We must be very foolish to attempt that at which every major empire failed. This is not the Panama Canal where the French woosies blew it and Teddy Roosevelt by his sheer energy, optimism and drive made it happen. Panama Canal is a child’s play compared to the Hindu Kush – let’s not kid ourselves. The most recent proof of all the above is the assassination of Benazir Bhuto a little earlier today. It’s only the first one that we learned of in a public form. Life is cheap out there, and we have no place going there unless we flatten that entire chain of mountains into a pasture of some 5 million square miles with Texas longhorns freely grazing – but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Let’s look at some of the geopolitical and sociological factors: The fairly small portion of this region is so sharply subdivided (different languages, different tribal affiliations, unusually high revenue from the poppy production and heroin trade, closeness to the ideas of Taleban where lives are either cheap or worth loosing in order to gain Allah’s favors. The two enclosed maps show the linguistic and demographic differences. Now, in the course of this morning we hear that Benazir Ali Bhuto. Now, being that she too was of Islamic faith, it becomes a very pertinent question of: whether or not Muslims are the most serious threat to other Muslims and will freely (and fast) unite against any common enemy (The United States).
The second “world’s most challenging chess board is the Balkans. Not only that NATO dropped (God only knows how many) incendiary and depleted uranium bombs – there is very little of the “peace” in which William Jefferson Clinton told us that the NATO strikes are joint decision of the NATO – contrary to the true count where the NATO forces cross-section was 96% to 97% all American, while most others had only a token presence.. The last map in this article is the demographic division of Kosovo during today’s NATO administration. Within under 300 square miles there are (partial list) Roma (gypsies) often Christian and/or Muslim faith, Arnauts (born in Albania, and present day trespassers and transgressors of Muslim faith, Serbians (hold about 78% of the land deeds although their population is slithered to about 4% to 6% (demographically speaking). Within 100 miles in any directions you’ll find Turks, Egyptians, Bosniaks, Montenegrins, Greeks, etc. Again a recipe for a major conflict, just like the beginning of WW1 was “triggered” by Gavrilo Princip (a Serbian nationalist) who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinant who 1. Annexed Bosnia irrespective of its Serbian majority, and arrived at the holiest Serbian days (28th of June – marking the Kosovo battle against the far superior Ottoman Empire. Look to see if can enlarge these images and you’ll get a better idea that both of these roads lead into an unavoidable disaster and peril.