December 08, 2007
Saturday, 08 December, 2007 , 03:20 PM
“Remember friend, as you pass by.
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, you soon shall be.
So, prepare for death, and follow me.”—Author unknown.
Sonia Gandhi is no Archangel of Peace in Gujarat or for that matter in any other part of India. The experienced people of Gujarat know her to be an unrivalled ‘Archangel of Death’.
Digressing for a moment from Sonia’s sustained and continuous psudo-secular and historic peace initiatives in Jammu and Kashmir, let me turn to Gujarat where elections are taking place in the next few days.
All the Hindus of India know that Islam-embracing and Christianity-coveting Sonia promoted peace in Godhra through the Muslim terrorists in February, 2002. Later she promoted peace through the Muslim terrorists when they attacked ‘Sankat Vimochan Temple’ at Benares.
When the Muslim terrorists killed scores of people in a railway train in Mumbai through the use of cleverly deployed Bombs, Sonia Gandhi expressed her compassion towards the minorities saying that they were being targeted unnecessarily by the Hindu fundamentalists.
She and her slavish Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh showed their patriotism two years ago by deliberately absenting themselves from participating in the function connected with the centenary of the ‘Vande Mataram Song’ in New Delhi. On that historic occasion, both of them treated their own Government sponsored function with pseudo-secular contempt.
Sonia Gandhi absented herself from the public function connected with the birth centenary of the great Revolutionary Freedom Fighter Baghat Singh held in New Delhi. Sonia and her puppet Government view great revolutionaries like Baghat Singh, Sukh Dev and Chandrasekar Azad as misdirected terrorists and all the Islamic terrorists of today as selfless nationalists.
About ten days ago Sonia Gandhi went to Gujarat and during an elections speech described Narendra Modi as a dishonest Merchant of Death. She rose to poetic heights by saying that Narendra Modi has converted Gujarat into a Godse Land. It is a pity that the grand old Congress party has gone dearth of strategies and become bankrupt of vital national issues to be raised and placed before the people of Gujarat in its on-going electoral campaign.
Sonia Gandhi and her party have been driven to the helpless desperation of being forced to rake up the issue of encounter death of a criminal and a terror suspect Shorabuddin. What is disgusting and disgraceful to note is that the shameless Congress Party in Gujarat has joined forces with the Sardar Patel Utkarsh Samiti led by Gordhan Zadaphia who was Home Minister in Narendra Modi’s Cabinet during the 2002 violence in Godhra. Thus a pro-Hindu terrorist of 2002 fame has become an acceptable pseudo-secular and anti-Hindu Congress nationalist of today after he has been duly baptised by Sonia Gandhi.
The Congress President Sonia, has always treated the Hindu majority with contempt and describes all the Hindu leaders as ‘Communalists’. She duly follows the Nehru legacy of appeasing the Muslims, but unlike Nehru, she has a hidden Christian agenda of de-Hinduising this great nation by dividing the people on communal lines.
In the present run-up to the Gujarat elections, she had said, ‘The Gujarat government is being run by leaders who are liars, dishonest and merchants of religion & death’. This is an arrogant and uncivilized statement, which deserves to be condemned in the strongest possible terms.
B R Haran, has dissected Sonia Gandhi’s known anti-Hindu pseudo-secular stance in these words: ‘In fact, the three terms ‘Lier, Dishonest & Merchant of Death’ suits only her, in the most appropriate way and certainly not Mr Narendra Modi . Her first ‘lie’ was a blatant lie, when she went to the then President Mr. K R Narayanan after the 1998 elections and said, ‘I have the support of 272 MPs’ and claimed to form the government, with an intention of becoming the Prime Minister.
Since then, she had lied many times on many issues like Bofors, Oil for Food scam and even in the affidavits with regards to her educational qualifications & citizenship, which she submits during elections from time to time. Her ‘dishonesty’ was evident when she delayed her Indian citizenship for more than fifteen years and also when she told the nation in May 2004, ‘My inner voice told me to renounce the post of Prime Ministership’, while her claim to become the PM was actually turned down by the then President Dr Kalam due to obvious legal reasons. Her dishonesty was also evident when she visited Thirupathi Thirumala without even signing the register confirming her faith’.
“The term ‘Merchant of Religion’ could be found applicable to all Sonia’s speeches, wherein she has always tried to appease the minorities and ridicule the majority. Even during the recent UP Assembly elections, she had written a personal letter to thousands of Muslim clerics and leaders saying, ‘help me generously to fight against communalism (read majority Hindus), so that, I can build a society of your dreams’.
This is just an example and many such irrefutable facts can be cited. It is time for all the Hindus of India to adopt this working slogan: “Hindus of India unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains! Congress Hatao aur Desh ko Bachao”.
The term ‘Merchant of death’ is the most appropriate term suiting her since the day she captured power as an extra constitutional authority without any accountability or sense of moral responsibility. The nation’s security has been in shambles for the last three years and Islamic terrorism, Naxalism & Maoism have increased at an alarming rate due to her appeasement policies and vote bank politics resulting in deaths of thousands of innocent people and destruction of billions of rupees worth of private and public properties.
I spoke to Dr Subramanian Swamy who as a young parliamentarian fought against the terrorism of Indira Gandhi during emergency in 1975-77 and who is now leading a One-Man Brigade fighting the terrorism being let loose against the Hindus of India by the UPA Government in New Delhi under the stranglehold of a champion of Islamic Terrorism, though she calls herself an ‘Archangel of Christian Peace’, like Sonia Gandhi. Dr Swamy has this to say on Sonia’s observations on Narendra Modi and Gujarat:
‘I am rather amused by the observations of Sonia Gandhi to the effect that Narendra Modi is functioning as a ‘Merchant of Death’ and that he has converted Gujarat into a ‘Godse Land’. And yet I am not surprised because I know that she is an international terrorist with close links with merchants of death not only in India but in several other parts of the world.
Otherwise, she would not have teamed up with those terrorists who are responsible for the murder of her husband Rajiv Gandhi—I mean the DMK Party with its multiple layers of financial and political underground connections with the LTTE. Sonia Gandhi can never understand India and much less Hinduism and Hindu way of live. She can never understand Indian feelings, emotions and sentiments.
No other Indian widow would have teamed up with the killers of her husband or those who praised those killers in poetic terms, as Sonia has done, to keep herself and her family in a position of unchallenged power in New Delhi. Moreover, Sonia is ignorant about the fact that Nathuram Godse was a Maharashtrian and not a Gujarathi. Godse killed another Hindu and not a Muslim or a Christian. In short, I can only say that Sonia herself is a ‘Merchant of Death’ for all the Hindus of India regardless of the State of their origin.’
As usual, the Congress has lived up to its known pseudo-secular standard of supporting Islamic terror. The people of Gujarat will, no doubt, give a fitting and resounding reply to the Congress Party in the coming fortnight.