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Baltimore IMC

News :: Biotechnology

I.B.A D.N.A Chip..

Self information summary

..:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. .. I.B.A Medical Issue Michael Stephen Woolls Michael Stephen Woolls text/plain -->

Self Summary

I.B.A Medical Issue.
Letter of note. 11-02-07.

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Taking the time to explain this information has taken most of my time besides most

Of my other daily activity. What can be found to explain most of my information is

Those only on some information dealing with medical issue like surgery. If the

Programming can be explained, a wave can be inmenasterd though a pin laser a wave so say with the person D.N.A along with the D.N.A chip,

Each individual with there Owen D.N.A code though the 360 wave gun with a gun shot wound can be healed with there D.N.A.

Laser like the one of my formatting of the cd-rom system." Thought a wave gun" with the

D.N.A chip. Study of this information can be done with those with higher Degrees in "Business Also Medical Issue".

That could explain the healing of a gun shot wound's new law text books most are in it's self for the safety of others.

Place so that the device will be used for the right need. What only can be given in this?

Is giving my Owen information, of self freely open mindedness of open intelligence of

Information, "free will of mind". In the next week with my up coming meeting with

The office of the National Guard on "..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Richmond Highway" "Alexandria", in this meeting

It may be possibility that there rules may not let me in because issue in field

Also additions to it which are on record if you like I can

Sighing over so that you may get to know more information if there in this business that of public Notice also with the National Bar association in terms of this issue please feel free to communicate With each other Please leave a massage and tell me what you think.


Michael S Woolls

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