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Road to nowhere
Pretty close to David Byrne's song Road to nowhere, I noticed something in common between John Cleese, Eric Idle, Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, Belgium and today's sad state of affairs in Serbia
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Town of Mitrovica - strange how the flames chose only the Serbian Eastern Orthodox churches
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Evacuation of the remaining Serbs from the Albanian minority and their persuasive logic (by use of arson)
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Monastery Devic was jewel of Medieval architecture - look at it today
It’s almost unreal that this article brought me back to (about 1976 or 1975, or 1977) when I last visited Bruxelles and their famous Grand Place gold plated building facades around a large plaza in the heart of the old town. A few decades later I remember having that same vision whan Monty Python’s John Cleese was trying to outdo Eric Idle by naming “the worst thing on Earth”. Idle said “it has to be squash”, Cleese replied “I’ll do you one better - it’s Brussel sprouts” - Idle re-replied “Excellent, I’ll do you one better too - it’s anyghing from Belgium. In some strange way it reminded me that in spite of the visual splendor I witnessed there was nothing else in the whole of Belgium except the ferry I took to Dover England. This article equally reminded me of the vast nothing (emptiness) of most things “Western” same as in the recent decades we invented the “metrosexual” - who is neither straight nor gay, nor a threat to any woman, nor attracted to any woman - another form of being tied to Belgium. The entire present EU reminds of a communist word from the Slavic languages “uravnilovka” - next to impossible to translate but in broad strokes it is a trap for making everybody and everything even (leveled) similar to “affirmative action in the United States” - where you have to hire “minorities” no matter what the actual needs or what profit/loss statement dictates. It’s just about equally stupid and equally pointless. There are no more passions, there are no more French berrets, no more French cognac, German beer, English fish and chips, the future becomes much worse than Geogre Orwell ever predicted, and I don’t like it one bit. Yes, much of the article deals with the issue of Kosovo’s proper heritage and the unalianble Serbian right to the birthplace of their nation and nationality - creed, beliefs, religion, etc.
However in my view this illness is going to turn out to be a lot more costly for the entire continent of Europe while Serbia will become a land of the dispossessed persons wandering train stations of Garre du Sud, Victoria Station, Wiener Haupt Bahnhoff, etc.