Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

Regional Anti-RNC/DNC consulta

Attention to everyone who lives in the Maryland/DC/West-Virginia/Virginia/Pennsylvania area:
Attention to everyone who lives in the Maryland/DC/West-Virginia/Virginia/Pennsylvania area:

As part of the build-up to the Republican National Convention in the Twin Cities (R.N.C) and Democratic National Convention in Denver (D.N.C), Unconventional Action-Frederick is hosting two days of workshops, skill shares, and discussions about emerging strategy and tactics on January 26th and 27th in Frederick, MD. We are holding one of many events dedicated to organizing for the coming resistance against the R.N.C and the D.N.C.

Unconventional action is an emerging network of radicals, anti-authoritarians, and anarchists. Our goal is to build a horizontal, inclusive framework for protests that will disrupt the upcoming Democratic and Republican National Conventions.

Points of Unity:
The name Unconventional Action is available to all who:

-Reject all forms of hierarchy including capitalism, party communism, patriarchy,
br white supremacy, colonialism, and so-called representational politics
-Organize on a non-hierarchical, consensus-based basis that promotes autonomy, solidarity, grass-roots involvement, and the agency of those most affected by each decision
-Embrace a diversity of tactics
-Do not condemn any action on the grounds that it is illegal alone

As anti-authoritarians we choose to reject the establishment of representative politics; instead fighting for a world where individual autonomy is respected.

For a new wave of resistance to emerge to end an oppressive society. As a community, we must organize and establish common goals and strategies far in advance to begin effective mass movements for revolutionary change. Shutting down the conventions is just one part of building an egalitarian society. br

For more information please e-mail

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