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News :: U.S. Government

The Lie Of American Capitalism

this is not capitalism bunky...

We do not have capitalism here in the USA of 2007, not by a long shot, and we have not had it for a very long time. When laws are made restricting free markets and free trade within the country itself -- even restricting competitive materials (Hemp) to protect gasoline and pharmaceutical interests, that is about as far from capitalism as one can get. That is nothing more than a shackling of our economy by special Interests. We have been effectively hobbled.

Also, and more importantly, when illegal markets are created, such as the so-called Need for chemtrailing and phased array antennae across every city, as remedies for things like a war on terror, or for defense against some other imagined condition, that too is a lie, and high treason as well.

Please understand that the people who have illegally gained control of our government did it through subterfuge, terror of their own (911) and outright lying and cheating. These benefits they identify, and wish to bestow, are actually about as beneficial to us as their debt making is, or 911 was, or never ending war! These systems are actually mind control for the nation who will not give up its guns; those are really drug powders being sprayed no matter what the perpetrators say, no matter what else they do on their way down to your lungs and food and water.

Yes, when a market is created across three generations, such as the three generations of the bush/scherf family, by cooperating with groups like the nazis and their church in Rome, that is treason, and NOT capitalism. Read my lips. TREASON.

Nuremberg was just a show, to cover up more than it solved, and 50,000 nazis made their way to America afterwards. In fact, the total nazi science machine was actually split up between Russia and America, with a few making it to England. The nazi scientists in Russia were tasked with developing half of the special secret weapons whose development was precluded by the end of WW2. Our half of course were to do the same, but with different programs, ie. rocket science (Which Von Braun himself admitted was just an advancement of Goddards work), and more importantly, Mind Control (MK-ULTRA PANDORA MK-CHAOS Much Much More!), gleaned from the experiments in hitlers prison camps. This is all well documented now -- a many tiered and multiphased program to overcome the second amendment, at all costs. I guarantee it.

The russian scientists actually won the cold war, by inducing drought here in America since the 1960s, all unbeknownst, from the time of some of their earliest antennae experiments which they got from the Tesla work. They used this underground victory as leverage and bought into a leadership position within the coming New World Order, by allowing Americans to be schnookered into believing they actually won the cold war. Do you follow so far? Try to remember gorby and ray-gun and jorge uno, their meetings, star wars, and what happened to gorby afterwards. Where is gorby now? What is his job?


What America got out of the deal was never ending debt, never ending war, decimation of our social security, and clandestine foreign control of our government. Lord bush the turd.

Yes, the drought which gave russia the true upper hand behind the scenes was of course cause for the next phase of the takeover plan: the need for drought remediation: chemtrails, phased array antennae across every city: which were actually the impetus for mass druggings and electronic mind control. There are many other facets and covers for this overall plan, but if you see the warp, you see the weave, and I think its high time America face up to the ugly facts. There is no capitalism here, and there has not been any for a long long time. The income tax was the true death of capitalism here, but it was being attacked long before that, and ever since, believe me.

Now please pay close attention class. If we do not act now, and with solidarity, freedom itself will follow capitalism to the scrap heap, and the lords and kings will once again reign across the world.

Bottom Line? Capitalism today is a skewed blending of money and the law together, so that control of the currency becomes total, via illegal lawmaking (Like making plants and certain types of speech illegal) and class becomes all. Witness the law enforcement INDUSTRY! Almost every single cop in the USA is basically just a type of tax enforcement, and strictly illegal according to the rules of our founding documents. The utter and total control of our currency has resulted in ultra-taxation, and debt, as well as a police state, with no end in sight.

Control of our own currency is our right, but has become legally defined as a benefit provided by the dozen or so banks which print our money, then lend it to us under usurious conditions. This allows them to indebt us so they can do human experimentation, and torture us legally, because they have rewritten our laws to allow that, among many other things.

What we have here in the USA today is most definitely not Capitalism. It is a lying, conniving fascism, with pretensions to royalty, and ghoulish ideals of mind control and subversion of all types of freedom. The triad of the government, its media, and foreign corporate law needs to be replaced in total. Before its too late. Many say restore the Republic. I do not think that can happen until America un-hobbles itself, until America rids itself of its political parasites, their agenda of lies, and their technologies of control. Soon.

Vote Ron Paul, 2008.

Love and Rage.



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