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REVIEW: Sinister Forces:Book II: A Warm Gun.

A Grimoire Of Political Witchcraft
by: Peter Levenda
With a Foreword by Dick Russell

In Book Two of his excellent work Sinister Forces, Peter Levenda convincingly continues to build his case for an all pervasive and underlying sinister force within the human continuum. This force has been well observed over time, and the term itself, Sinister Forces, seems to crop up in the oddest of places, uttered by many well known and responsible people, as they refer to otherwise inexplicable evil. Yes, it seems that these words -- Sinister Forces -- describe a known and even measurable set of circumstances in our world that cannot be defined in any other way.

In Book Two of Sinister Forces, aptly subtitled A Warm Gun, Mr. Levenda employs great detail to unerringly lead the reader through a labyrinth of seemingly unrelated events which exhibit a more than frightening order, nay, Purpose, when viewed in relation to certain other events that have been willfully skewed to hide the facts. Mr. Levenda is an adept at his craft, to say the least, and as he reconstructs these events many true aspects behind Sinister Forces become manifest, telling a tale of torture, human experimentation, sadism, and hate, whose effects can be seen throughout the entirety of humankinds history here on Earth.

Yes, the skewing of reality to hide Sinister Forces (And their results) is of course contrived and purposeful, machinated by the very people (I use that term very loosely) who utilize this flowering of evil for their own ends. The many connections and nexus points covered in Peter Levendas books illustrate, or better yet, illuminate, the many and recurring sinister forces in our world, while delving deeply into their possible and/or probable origins. This above all is the value of these books, for it gives future researchers, that is to say, we who would combat these forces, a firm foundation, or springboard even, for our endeavors. We must thank Peter Levenda for his good work, his good conscience, and for taking the time to enlighten us in a lucid, candid, and easily understood manner. That is a stark rarity unto itself.


After reading the work of Peter Levenda, we begin to see certain hitherto unexplainable characteristics of life with a new, unaltered clarity. Whether this is good, or bad, is for each reader to decide for themselves. Concerning this type of high grade information, which is in actuality survival data of the most important sort, I myself subscribe to the old adage popularized by the band ZZ Top:

Its better to have it, than need it and not.

By reading the books Sinister Forces, we also see that the fabric of our reality here on Earth is run through with scarlet threads, as red as blood, and it is these threads which can be followed, and are, in the Sinister Forces books. Binding together names like John Lennon, John Kennedy, and Richard Nixon, with the likes of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and Mark David Chapman, alongwith in-depth backgrounds of Assassination as a political tool, Shamanism as form of insanity (Albeit cured) and much much more, we begin to perceive not an alternate reality, but reality itself. We see in no uncertain terms that the reality we have been taught is the alternate one, and an adjustment takes place, things sparkle differently all of a sudden. Because of the subject matter we cannot say this makes us feel all warm and fuzzy; no, not in the least; but we are assured that the alignment of our perceptions with certain aspects of our world are now, at least, more true, and perhaps even closer to right-on than they have ever been before.

There are many little known facts, revelations, and minutiae in these works by Mr. Levenda which by themselves make the books worth the money, and worthwhile reading. Many hard earned facts and details are inherent in this work, and the reader will often be surprised at the important things they did not know. These interesting details and insights do well to (Pardon my pun) flesh out unknown or incomplete accounts of some of the more gruesome and just plain criminal acts of our times, and range from details about Watergate, the politicization of Christianity, and Jonestown Guyana, to The Catcher In The Rye, The John Lennon Assassination, and Nazi influences in American government.

This is a well written accounting of Serial Murder, Shamanism, CIA/Nazi Mind Control Experimentation, and the Human Condition. One thing is sure. These books will cause any reader to pause, and look around themselves in new ways. These books cause growth, both intellectual, and spiritual, whether you like it or not. Mr. Levenda must be congratulated on his longevity in the face of this, his lifes work, his study and explanation of Sinister Forces.

Post Office Box 577
Walterville OR 97489

review by Bill Gallagher

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