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LOCAL News :: Biotechnology

mass arrests planned in maryland over vaccines

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things
have been like if every Security
operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been
uncertain whether he would return alive
and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass
arrests, as for example in
Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people
had not simply sat there in their lairs,
paling with terror at every bang of the down-stairs door and at every
step on the staircase, but had
understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the
downstairs hall an ambush of a half
a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at
hand? After all, you knew ahead of
time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And
you could be sure ahead of time
that you'd be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the
Black Maria sitting out there on the
street with one lonely chauffeur—what if it had been driven off of or
its tires spiked? The Organs would
very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and,
notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst,
the cursed machine would have ground to a halt."

Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn
the politicos are serious about their new world order...
forced vaccinations


Quote from the article...
"...State Attorney Glenn Ivey, who admitted during a radio interview
last week
< >
that no law mandated the shots *and also that he had chosen not to give
his kids the vaccines..."

Parents Kept In Dark About Vaccine Waiver*
Religious and personal objection forms not included in information pack,
police followed advocacy reporters to bathroom, kids herded in line to
take shots with no regard to medical or vaccine history

/Paul Joseph Watson/
Prison Planet < >
Monday, November 19, 2007

Parents of children in Prince George's County Maryland were kept in the
dark about their right to opt out of vaccines as over a thousand kids
were herded into a courthouse to be injected while authorities kept a
close watch on advocacy groups and reporters who tried to inform parents
that there was no law to mandate the shots.

Parents were threatened with fines and jail time last week if they
failed to have their children immunized, after schools kicked out kids
for not taking the Hepatitis B vaccine.

According to observers who were able to gain access to the courthouse,
children with a history of medical issues were not properly screened as
parents were simply told to get in line and have their kids take the shots.

"Many of those in line said their children were properly immunized, but
the school system had misplaced the records. They said efforts to get
the paperwork straightened out beforehand had been futile," reported the
Associated Press < >.

In the following video, Kelli Ann Davis, a member of SafeMinds, a
national autism advocacy organization, whose son Miles was diagnosed
with autism in 2002 as a result of mercury poisoning from vaccines,
relates how she was also followed by police with dogs to the bathroom
after being told she "was not one of them".

She also explains how the information packs handed out to parents before
they lined up to have their kids take the shots failed to include waiver
forms giving parents the right to opt out due to personal, religious or
medical reasons.

State Attorney Glenn Ivey, who admitted during a radio interview last
< >
that no law mandated the shots and also that he had chosen not to give
his kids the vaccines, confirmed that exemption forms were available
from the back of the room. However, when asked if they were aware of the
right to opt out, parents were miffed. News reports failed to cite any
cases where parents had opted out as a result of signing waiver forms.

According to an Associated Press report
< >, over a thousand
children were vaccinated on Saturday, leaving around 1100 who did not
show up to the courthouse. The fact that mandatory shots were being
doled out in court after parents had been threatened with arrest,
reminiscent of some nightmarish science fiction horror movie, and
potentially dangerous in itself, was also overlooked by mainstream news

On Friday, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons condemned
the case
< > as
a "vaccine roundup."

"This power play obliterates informed consent and parental rights,"
said Kathryn Serkes, director of policy for the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), one of the few national
physician groups that refuse corporate funding from pharmaceutical
companies. In a scenario reminiscent of cattle round-ups, the
state's attorney has issued summons to more than 1600 parents of
children who have not provided certificates of immunization for
their children. But instead of toting a cattle prod, this state's
attorney chooses to wield a syringe to keep the "herd" in line.

Children should be carefully screened, medical records taken and
decisions made carefully - not in an ad hoc assembly-line clinic in
a county courtroom and under the brutal watch of law enforcement.
This is a man-made disaster ready and waiting to detonate. Children
could receive a dangerous cocktail of several vaccines without
proper examinations. "The procedure is reckless and subjects
children to the risk of severe reactions. Physicians would not be
allowed to treat children in this way, without individual histories
and physical exams - or informed consent," said Jane M. Orient,
M.D., AAPS Executive Director.

AAPS also pointed out a blatant conflict of interest, highlighting the
fact that the school district is set to lose a windfall in state funding
unless students comply with the vaccine order.

With the state still hell-bent of getting over a thousand other children
to take the shots, this case is far from over, and charges that parents
have been subject to an intimidation campaign while not being properly
informed of the exemption process will continue.
Call Today! Mass Arrest Planned for Parents Who Refuse to Vaccinate in
The parents of more than 2,000 students in Prince George's County,
Maryland have been ordered to appear in court this Saturday and have
their children injected with mandatory vaccines, or face a fine of $50
for every day that they do not comply, or a possible ten days in jail.
State's Attorney Glen Ivey (the Maryland equivalent of a District
Attorney) is running the roundup. He was quoted as saying, "We can do
this the hard way or the easy way, but either way this needs to be
Last year 50 parents were rounded up in Washington DC, now it is
thousands in Maryland. What ever happened to, "Life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness." Is this America in 2007? Or Moscow in 1935?
This is a issue of national importance: Call State's Attorney for
Prince George's County Glen F. Ivey and tell him to read the
Constitution and stop these mass arrests. He is an elected official
and remind him that even if you can't vote in his district you can
send a check to whoever runs against him.
State's Attorney, Glen F. Ivey
14735 Main Street
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-3050
(301) 952-3500
Fax: (301) 952-3775
And call Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and demand that these
police state tactics stop.
Office of the Governor
100 State Circle
Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1925
(410) 974-3591
(800) 811-8336
FAX: (410) 974-5735
Most of the students are middle-schoolers who have not complied with a
new state mandate to get hepatitis-B or chicken pox boosters. Two of
the most questionable mandated shots in the American vaccine schedule.
Beginning in the early 90s most children in the United States were
given at birth a hepatitis-B vaccine. This shot contained a quantity
of mercury vastly in excess of the maximum exposure limits set for
adults. Hepatitis-B is transmitted from a mother to a child during
birth if the mother is infected. After that it is transmitted via the
exchange of bodily fluids or sharing needles for intravenous drug use.
The middle-schoolers in Maryland have virtual no chance of contracting
hepatitis-B unless they are having unprotected sex or are mainlining
heroin. Several years after hepatitis-B was mandated the vaccine
industry revealed that the shot loses most of it's efficacy by the
time a child is seven which lead to the requirement for a booster.
The United States is the only country in the world that requires the
chicken pox (varicella) vaccine. Other countries have assessed it and
determined that chicken pox is too mild of a disease and the chicken
pox shot to ineffective to justify the huge expenditure needed to
mandate a shot. As with the hepatitis-b, several years after the shot
became mandated the vaccine industry revealed that it too diminishes
in effectiveness over time and boosters are now mandate in many
states. The failure to contract wild chicken pox as a child makes a
person far more susceptible to the disease shingles as an adult.
Shingles is generally considered a far more serious disease than
chicken pox. It is acknowledged by the vaccine industry that the
widespread use of the chicken pox vaccine will lead to an epidemic of
shingles. Merck, the developer of the chicken pox vaccine now has a
vaccine for shingles as well.
The chicken pox shot has such marginal value, even by the very low
standards of the American vaccine industry, that the only way the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the federal board
comprised of vaccine industry representatives that determines the
mandatory schedule in the United States, could only justify its use by
making an economic argument that it would prevent parents from losing
time from work and therefore was justified on an economic, not medical
basis. And now we have parents being thrown in jail so that they don't
miss time from work.
Act now! It could be you next time!

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim that everything written here has been
verified or is true. A place where you might verify any truth or
falsity is at but note, this is primarily for
non-government type topics.

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