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Mossad hired by Zimbabwe

Itai Dzamara - Israeli intelligence operatives have been hired by the Zanu (PF) government to implement systems that will enable the regime to snoop on phone and internet communications by opposition and civic society leaders as well as journalists.
It is unclear what has happened to the much-touted Chinese snoopers and their equipment, imported last year at huge expense by the Mugabe regime, to intercept communications.

Highly placed sources say a list of names has been given to Mossad for monitoring. The Zimbabwean broke the news recently that Israeli spies had been recruited to work with CIO in strategic areas such as airports, government offices and banks.

"They (Mossad) are working with CIO to snoop on the targeted people and have brought some equipment for that purpose," a government source said this week.

It is believed that Mossad operatives are erecting spying equipment across the country brought from Is-raeli and for which the regime is paying huge sums of foreign currency.

They are targeting the finance and banking sectors where Mugabe and his cronies suspects schemes are underway to cause sabotage in order to achieve regime change.

The paranoid Zanu (PF) regime recently passed a spy bill to make it "legal" for it to spy on the communi-cations of its citizens. It has ordered internet service providers to install, at their own expense, equipment to make it possible for government snoopers to tap their clients' communications. But experts say gov-ernment lacks the capacity and equipment for the huge task.

"It is not going to be easy, even with the Israelis' expertise," a communications expert said on condition of anonymity.
sfux - 5. Nov, 08:01 Article 474x read
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