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Glean the Planet

Internet-based maps transform how communities share food resources.
A new web site provides open source maps.
info (at)

Portland, Oregon November 2007 —

Glean the Planet is a web site designed to facilitate the redistribution of community and individual food resources. The site—— offers both discussion forums and open source mapping software from Google maps and By allowing users to map specific locations and illustrate them with pictures and additional detailed information, this mapping software helps people facilitate the local sharing of food outside of monetary-based economies.

For instance, if you know of a food baring tree, a stand of bamboo or a healthy dumpster in your neighborhood, you can plot it on Glean the Planet’s maps. You find the map of your state and make an entry. Then add web links, text, and photos to your entries and others.

Glean The Planet was created in February of 2007 by Dock Whoosie, a 28yr old living in Portland, Oregon.

“My activism has shifted focus lately. I am working a lot on myself and my relationships. Understanding the non-human world around me has been a key focus of my time this past year. In reevaluating the definition of sustainability I have found a need to be more critical of the way I consume…going beyond purchasing decisions at a store or gas pump, to building a direct subsistence relationship with the land base where I live. Politically, I am playing a supportive role with the construction of Glean the Planet, building infrastructure that supports the change I desire.” --Dock Whoosie

Visit, then go out to harvest with your friends and neighbors and share in building a catalog of food sources outside of the market!

For additional information, Contact: D.Whoosie 541.285.3619 info (at)

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