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Presidential Nominee Moore Polarizes Iraq War Issue

Today, there are two sides on the Iraq War debate; on the left there is Brian Moore, with Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party, and on the right there are the Democrats and Republicans. Brian Moore recently received the nomination for president by the Socialist Party USA; during the party’s National Convention, in St Louis, Missouri, Moore put the line in the sand, “immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Stewart A. Alexander
Peace and Freedom Party
Socialist Party USA

October 30, 2007

Today, there are two sides on the Iraq War debate; on the left there is Brian Moore, with Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party, and on the right there are the Democrats and Republicans. Brian Moore recently received the nomination for president by the Socialist Party USA; during the party’s National Convention, in St Louis, Missouri, Moore put the line in the sand, “immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Prior to the 2006 Mid-Term Elections, the three Democratic frontrunners were expressing a need to establish time tables to end the Iraq War and to bring American troops home. Today, Barack Obama and John Edwards are saying the U.S. will need to remain in Iraq and the Middle East beyond 2008; and Hillary Clinton has gone completely to the right, committing to a permanent U.S. presence in Iraq and the Middle East.

Hillary Clinton has never taken a position to expedite a quick withdrawal of American troops. Clinton has pointed out, that if American troops were not out of Iraq by 2009, then as president she would take action; however, on the number one issue in U.S. politics, Clinton has never presented a plan to end the Iraq War.

President Bush has made his position clear on many occasions, to America and the world, noting that the war will end during the administration of a future president. Now Clinton, Obama and Edwards have abandoned any hopes to bring American troops home by 2008 or 2009; also the three Democratic candidates are now committed to remaining in the Middle East indefinitely, to “protect American interest.”

It is now clear, to a majority of Americans and the world, that the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with the tragedy the occurred on September 11, 2001; and a majority of people worldwide have come to the conclusion that the U.S. occupation in the Middle East is only to expand U.S. imperialism and to protect the interest of the U.S. and European capitalists.

The cost of the war goes much further than the one half trillion dollars that Congress has appropriated to continue the occupation; the Iraq War has completely devastated Iraq and has escalated world terrorism. Today, more than 4,290 Americans have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan; and more than one million Iraqis are now dead according to recent scientific data.

The war has created a dangerous situation for anyone living in Iraq; today more than four million Iraq refugees are fleeing for protection and tens of thousands are now being received in the U.S. and by neighboring countries. The refugee crisis is creating a strain on the fragile Iraqi government and the crisis is taxing the resources of neighboring countries.

It has been estimated that the Iraq war will cost the U.S. government more than two trillion dollars; however recent scientific estimates indicate the future cost of the war could go much higher as the occupation continues. Presently, the U.S. Congress is borrowing further into debt to continue the occupation; expanding the national debt to nearly $10 trillion.

The Iraq War has also crippled the U.S. economy, not for the U.S. capitalists; however the cost of the war can be felt by every working class individual and family coast to coast. Presently, the working class is in a severe recession and inflation is making the paychecks of working class people totally irrelevant. Today, inflation is affecting the cost of all consumer goods and services and the majority of working class families are finding it extremely difficult to survive.

The Democrats were on a mission to take control of Congress in 2006, making false promises to working class people and voters. Presently the Democrats are in control of both Houses in Congress, and today the Democratic leadership has done nothing to bring the war to an end; they have only used their votes to give Bush more funds to continue his war.

Today, the Democrats are on a mission to take the White House in 2008; however it is evident that all the Democratic frontrunners are offering nothing more than to continue down the same path that Bush is paving for U.S. involvement in the Middle East.

Brian Moore is supporting the position of Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party; immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, and to completely cut all military funding for the war. This is the line in the sand that has polarized Moore from the candidates of the two corporate parties.

Brian Moore does not believe that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or the presidential candidates of the Democratic Party, will make good on their promises to American voters, to end the Iraq War. To the contrary, the Democrats have done more to support the U.S. occupation in Iraq than the Republicans prior to the 2006 Elections.

Similar to the 2000 Elections, the 2008 Elections will be another critical period in American politics; the election results will determine the direction of the nation for the next 300 years. At opposite ends of the political spectrum, Hillary Clinton, the Democrats and Republicans are resolved to continue the war; while Brian Moore, Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party are resolved to pursue world peace.

For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander; Socialist Presidential Ticket: Moore and Alexander; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.

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