Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Globalization

If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted

the privileged rich kids of the 60's, protesting war, are now ridiculously walking around campus, bald and fat, with signs saying STAND WITH US...which in reality of course means DIE FOR US....those people are zionists all, and not Americans...don't fall for their lies...their kids are not fighting for israel, only you expendable, poor kids do that (if you are gullible enough)...

From: The Pen <>
Sent: Oct 28, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: Urgent: Kucinich Forcing Impeachment Vote, More Volunteers Needed
to Put Up Impeachment Posters, and More You Can Do to Help

Last week we told you we were printing at least 10,000 Impeach Cheney
posters to put up on college campuses all over the country.

Because of the tremendous initial response from you, our
participants, we had already made the commitment to bump the initial
four color glossy print run up to 25,000. And then we got
confirmation that Dennis Kucinich was determined to force the
impeachment issue, by bringing it as a privileged resolution before

We need hundreds of additional volunteers right now to help get these
posters up, to really give the impeachment movement maximum
visibility. We'll be picking up the full 25,000 11x17 posters this
Tuesday, and start shipping priority mail the same day. So please, if
you are anywhere near a college campus email us and we'll put you in
contact with other volunteers in your area. If you've already
volunteered, start organizing some other activist friends to join the
Impeach Team.

The reason why we are specifically targeting college students with
this outreach initiative is that while we the people would all lose
if Cheney bombs Iran and starts a full blown World War in the Middle
East, they are the ones who would be conscripted first. The posters
dramatically make that point in bold red letters

"If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted"

and then give the two easiest ways for them to speak out, 1) a "text
to" short code function for cell phones (send the work "Impeach" to
30644), since they are always on their cell phones, and 2) a fully
enabled message to Congress system as an application ("Voices") on
the Facebook platform, which they are all engaged in already. See the
poster here.

Impeach Cheney Poster:

If you can't help with the postering, but still want to do something
to help, please consider making a contribution at the page above, and
we'll also send you a free Impeach Cheney? cap (the default). If you
have one already give one to an activist friend. And remember, you
don't have to make a donation to get a cap, just email us back your
mailing address and we'll send you one for no charge, not even

We want to distribute upwards of 50-100,000 of these posters in the
next couple weeks. Just as fast as you can put them up we'll print
more. We already know that the first thing Pelosi will do when
Kucinich forces the issue is tell him to get lost by embracing a
motion to table (it's parlimentary equivalent). Well, we're not going
to get lost. And we need every possible impeachment supporter we can
muster to send them that message before the vote.

We believe there will be other tomorrows, but few as critical and
important as mobilizing in every possible way to compel Congress by
our numbers to listen to the voices of their constituents now. The
conventional polling companies are afraid to ask the question,
because the last time they did, more than 60 percent of the American
people thought Cheney should be impeached. But since we kicked off
the National Cheney Impeachment Poll, and out of more than 113,000
free and fair votes, 99 percent say impeach Cheney.

If you have ever put up a poster for anything in your life . . . if
you would ever consider helping. . . . Now is the time to stand up
for the Constitution. Because after all they had to go through, our
founders left us with that Constitution, so if we would just speak
out we could make impeachment happen, so that we could peacefully
oust a criminal government at any time . . . if you really want it.
We're not waiting for them to steal another presidential election.

The American revolution was fueled by local pamphleteers, who got the
word out with the only media they had available to them, to rally the
citizenry to action. We have so much more, the internet, the most
powerful grass roots media ever, and in a couple days we will have
25,000 full color glossy posters. Be the modern day pamphleteers. It
worked then and it's going to work now.

And don't worry about George Bush, either. He's in the on deck
circle. And once the consensus on Cheney can no longer be resisted,
he'll be right on Cheney's heels.

If You Can, Step Up For Kucinich Too

None of what is happening now would be happening without the
courageous leadership of Dennis Kucinich on this issue. Who else has
the sheet guts to call for what the American people want? If you want
to thank him for his stand on this issue, please consider making a
donation to him as well.

Kucinich Donations:

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

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