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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace : War in Iraq

Peace Groups Sponsor Talk by Iraq War Veteran

Anne Arundel Peace Action and Student Peace Action Network will sponsor a speech by Adam Kokesh of Iraq Veterans Against the War at St. Phillips
For immediate release

Contact: Michael Keller, Jonathan Williams

410-263-7409 or

443-474-8919 or

Peace Groups to Sponsor Talk by Iraq War Veteran

An Iraq War veteran who has become a passionate opponent of the war and occupation will share his views and experiences at a program on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m. at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Bestgate and Severn Grove Roads just outside Annapolis.

Adam Kokesh, who is the co-chair elect of Iraq Veterans Against the War, served as a noncommissioned officer with the U.S. Marines in Al Fullujah in Iraq for eight months in 2004.

The program is free. The public is invited. The program is sponsored by Anne Arundel Peace Action and the Student Peace Action Network. Both organizations work for alternatives to war, conversion to a peace economy, and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Kokesh was originally scheduled to speak to a student group at Severna Park High School. However, after the school received several complaints, the school administration decided to cancel Kokesh’s speech. As a result, Anne Arundel Peace Action and Student Peace Action Network are sponsoring an event featuring him in order to help his message reach the local community.

For more information, call 410-263-7409 or e-mail

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