Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Peace from Christian or Islam? Give me Freethought!

The belittlement of women is a central point of the desert religions and should not be forgotten in attempts to appease the lurking proselytizers hideing behind sheep's clothing whether they carry a crucifix or crescent and star.
Peace from Christian or Islam? Give me Freethought!

(OKLAHOMA CITY) In regard to the "Islaming" of Oklahoma and the dust-up over competing religious superstitions I have to say that Islam is no more a religion of peace than Christianity is.

A semi-government Oklahoma Commission composed mainly of Islamic followers has recently tried to give decorated copies of the koran to Oklahoma's legislators. A number of them have refused their copy fearing that such a gift would dim their x-tian fervor.

Religious proselytizers that hide behind sheep's clothing, either Islamic or X-tian, in Oklahoma or any other location, are still a threat to legitimate freedom of thought.

The x-tian old testament if FULL of stories of incest, murder, conspiracy, embezzlement, child abuse, racism, on and on.

Both bible and koran suborn humanity to actions which no moral person without the pernicious influence of religion would commit.

The GOPers have made a perfect wedge issue to divide themselves, the true believers, from some PC progressives, who are now falling all over themselves trying to show how open minded they are.

As Christopher Hitchens said in his latest book, religion poisons everything.

And what are we to make of this story where two gay men in
Saudi Arabia have been sentenced to 7,000 lashes as punishment!

Most western women must know that there is NO choice (and precious little for themselves) for Islamic women, not only in reproductive decisions, but that many women run the risk of genital mutilation, clumsily referred to as female circumcision, which of course it isn't. It's plain mutilation incurred for the pleasure and suspicion of the Islamic man, who treats his female herd, be it one or five, as if they were indeed cattle.

As one of the alleged saints of the x-tian church has written, women shall not preach to men, but be subservient to the husband, as he is to the church, etc, so are women not allowed out without chaperon or covering in many fundie-islamo communities.

X-tians have their women's clinic bombers and anti-choice activists who work day and night to think of hair-splitting ways to shave away what remains of Roe v. Wade, subjecting women to the control of men and fundie religious superstition.

The belittlement of women is a central point of the desert religions and should not be forgotten in attempts to appease the lurking proselytizers hideing behind sheep's clothing whether they carry a crucifix or crescent and star.

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