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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Lynching in Palm Beach County and the State of Florida

The Struggle Continues
Greetings! We are in 2007 and there is still lynching in Belle Glade. Living in Palm Beach it was an adventure. It was like living in the 1950's with the lynching that took place in Belle Glade on a regular. Obviously lynching never stopped and there were men, boys and a woman that had been lynched. Being a Public Relations, Communications/Intelligence and United Nations Consultant professional there were no reports of any lynchings that were aired on the news channels in New York, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.. For more information contact me a Google Lynching in Belle Glade Flordia to find the few pictures that have been posted. After investigations of the Lynching in Belle Glade other individuals came forward and informed me that there were more lynching in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.

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