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City pays supremacists

City pays supremacists
Daily Record/Sunday News
Article Last Updated: 10/14/2007 02:18:14 AM EDT

The City of York paid about $48,000 in attorney's fees to the Nationalist Movement by a court-set deadline, the white supremacist group's founder and attorney, Richard Barrett, said Friday.

A U.S. Third Circuit Court judge gave the city until Oct. 12 to pay the fees, which were awarded to the Nationalists in court in June. The ordered amount was paid, but Barrett claims the city owes interest. The city has not paid about $40,000 more in attorney's fees awarded to the group for work on appeal, he said.

The fees were ordered after the Nationalists challenged the city's permit law and portions of the law were found unconstitutional. Donald Hoyt, assistant solicitor for the city, could not be reached for comment.

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