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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

The Plight of American Veterans

Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party are asking all U.S. veterans to join their efforts to obtain more for U.S. veterans and to end the Iraq War. The two political parties are also demanding an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and allied forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. Stewart Alexander says, “The Democrats, Republicans and Bush are already past the deadlines to get out; and that was before March, 2003.
Stewart A. Alexander for President
Peace and Freedom Party
Socialist Party USA

October 10, 2007

Bob gave the U.S. Army 30 years of his life and was greatly anticipating his 30 year retirement party. Bob served in both Gulf Wars and is proud of the 30 years that he has given to his country.

Bob recently turned 50 years-old and planned for his 30 year retirement party. Weeks before his retirement party, Bob had another party; the bank foreclosed on his house, therefore, all his friends and neighbors helped him to move into a rental property.

For several years Bob has suffered from high blood pressure; however, he still found it necessary to take on a full time job as a long-haul truck driver, hauling freight between the State of Washington and California.

Now John, has just retired after serving 20 years in the U.S. Navy; serving time in the Gulf Wars and other assignments around the world. John loves the navy, and it is still very much a part of his life.

John is now receiving his retirement income, less than $1,500 per month and he is waiting to receive his disability income for injuries he sustained while on active duty.

Presently John works full time as an automobile sales consultant in Southern California, to earn extra income; often working more than 60 hours a week on commission only, he still comes up a little short of having enough to pay his bills and his rent.

Both men have a very deep love for their country and speak very proudly of their military service. Bob loves sitting with friends and talking about his days in the army, and John loves watching baseball and talking about growing up in New York.

Today, veterans are leaving active duty, returning home, to find no jobs or low paying jobs. Many veterans are returning home having to live with their relatives or friends just to make ends meet. There are many unfortunate veterans that have little or nothing; they are homeless and living on the streets.

It was recently revealed in early 2007, that Walter Reed Army Medical Center, a highly rated military facility, responsible for the medical care of military personnel, was found to be extremely negligent. The hospital was not providing proper care for the many soldiers seriously injured and returning from the Iraq War.

Soldiers were recovering, in this government facility that had not been properly maintained for decades. The neglect was highly visible; damage plumbing, stained carpets, damage floors and walls; also cockroaches and mouse droppings could be seen everywhere. This is what the present day leadership in Washington is offering American veterans.

The Democrats and Republicans are continuing their support of the Iraq and Afghanistan occupation despite the rising death toll and the heavy burden on U.S. military personnel; there are now more than 75 percent of all Americans that disapprove of the American occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Democrats and Republicans have given President Bush over $500 billion to continue his misguided war, while at the same time denying U.S. veterans the honor, dignity and treatment they deserve for their sacrifices.

Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party have remained opponents to the Iraq War and occupation, even before the invasion on March, 2003. Both parties have charged that it is a war to expand US imperialism and to protect the interest of US and European capitalists.

Stewart Alexander, a presidential candidate with Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party, wants more for US veterans. Alexander is proposing to increase the retirement benefits of all U.S. veterans.

Alexander is proposing the following to reward all U.S. veterans:

First: All veterans that have served a minimum of 10 years in the military, these retirees would receive a minimum of $15,000 per year, as retirement military earnings; and all their income, of less than $50,000, would be tax exempt from federal taxes.

Second: All veterans that have served a minimum of 20 years in the military, they would receive a minimum of $20,000 per year, as retirement military earnings; and all their income, of less than $75,000, would be tax exempt from federal taxes.

Third: All veterans that have served a minimum of 30 years in the military, they would receive a minimum of $30,000 per year, as retirement military earning; and all their income, of less than $100,000, would be tax exempt from federal taxes.

Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party are also demanding an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and allied forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. Stewart Alexander says, “The Democrats, Republicans and Bush are already past the deadlines to get out; and that was before March, 2003.

Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party are asking all U.S. veterans to join their efforts to obtain more for U.S. veterans and to end the Iraq War.

For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander for President; Socialist Presidential Candidates at America’s Crossroads; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.

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