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George Bush’s Strategic and Biblical Reasons for Nuking Iran Now

Truth is stranger than fiction. Michelangelo’s Prophet Ezekiel imitating Larry Craig at the Sistine Chapel.
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The hieroglyphic is on the wall. George Bush is now going to nuke Iran into the dirt. Here are his strategic and biblical reasons why he has passed the point of no return:

George Bush, the President of the United States of America was an alcoholic, like Britney Spears. A known drug used to cure alcoholism is LSD. By his Iraq move, if George Bush leaves Iraq now, then Shiite Iran will annex mostly Shiite Iraq and own two thirds of the world’s oil, nuclear reactors and a Bible commanding them to make war on the Christians, Jews and infidels in return for eternal delights. (Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30, Sura 56).

The Assembly of Experts running Iran’s goal is to conquer America and Israel and establish a Muslim World Theocracy. By controlling the oil and having nuclear weapons Iran will have America by the throat. George Bush now sees that Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq was a far superior government to democracy. George Bush joked, “Dictatorship is fine as long as I’m the dictator.” George Bush knows that if he defeats Iran then he has two thirds of the world’s oil and neutralizes Iran and their desire to hand off their nukes to Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. If Iran doesn’t conquer Iraq, then Al Qaeda will, and look out.

Ever since the dawn of civilization Kings and Queens have consulted Oracles before going to war to ask God if it was a good idea. George Bush’s oracle is the Holy Bible. “God is the word of God”, the Holy Bible. (John 1:1). The problem with prophecy is that often it comes true. In the 1500’s Nostradamus predicted the coming of the first anti Christ, Napoleon, the second anti Christ Hitler, and the third anti Christ Mabus. President Bush now knows that Nostradamus’ third anti Christ is ultra hardline Iranian Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, the daily advisor and mentor of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Columbia University’s 2007 Valedictorian. In ancient Greece the worshippers didn’t have to wait until Heaven for virgins. It was a form of worship to the Goddess Aphrodite to engage in sexual relations in the outdoor temples with the priestesses of Aphrodite before going off to conquer the world for Grease is the word, have you heard, it’s got truth, it’s got meaning in The Valley of Frankie.

The Prophet Ezekiel got the word from God that the Messiah, the son of David was coming, (Ez. 34:23) and that God would back Israel to victory (Ez. 34:30) in the final battle of Armageddon between Israel and the Messiah versus Gog, of the land of Magog (Russia; Moscow is dead north of Jerusalem), and Russia’s allies, Meshach and Tubal (Turkey), Persia (Iran), Ethiopia and Put. (Ez. 38:1-6). This is why America is lined up with Israel, America’s military base in the Middle East. God told Prophet Ezekiel 2,507 years ago “Thus says the Lord God, I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king over them all.” (Ez. 37:21-22).

The Holy Bible is filled with Johns. Larry Craig would have been happy there. There is Jesus’ apostle John, John the Evangelist who wrote the Gospel of John with other Greek people, (the New Testament was written in Greek by Greek authors), and John of the Greek island of Patmos who wrote the book of Revelations aka “The Apocalypse of Saint John the Divine”. According to Johnny P., Satan will lead the army of Gog and Magog with hordes from the East and surround Jerusalem. Then fire will come down from Heaven and consume them. (Rev. 20:7-10). Heaven and Earth passed away, and a new Heaven and a new Earth replaced them, and a New Jerusalem came down from heaven, the bride of Jesus, and Jesus will dwell on earth and turn the earth into the Garden of Eden for the believers, and cast the non believers into Hell. (Rev. 21, 22).

Vladimir Putin, when he isn’t praying at the “New Jerusalem Monastery and Museum” in Moscow, is building nuclear reactors for Iran and he wants the Middle East Oil. Next week Vladimir Putin is going to Tehran to tell Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that Russia and China defeated the United States in Vietnam, and President Putin will give Israel to Iran in exchange for a Middle East oil partnership among Russia, Iran and China, which also said last week that it wants a strong Iran.

Before the United States goes all in on the word of Johnny the Greek, they should know that the Revelations story of Jesus flying down from Heaven on a flying horse to conquer the snake, goat, lion Beast is a dead on plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon on his flying horse Pegasus slaying the snake, goat, lion Chimera. Had Johnny Patmos attended Yale he would have been expelled for plagiarism. Would you believe that George Bush got C- in economics and is telling everyone he got a B?

God told Prophet Ezekiel that the bible writing priests and prophets were making up stories and signing them “God”. “They have prophesied falsehood and lying divination; they say, ‘Says the Lord, when the Lord has not sent them, and yet they wait for the fulfilment of their word!” (Ez. 13:6). God called the bible writing priests and prophets “confused drunks who were creating for the people a shelter of lies and falsehoods which would cause the people to go and fall backwards and be broken and snared and taken.” (Isaiah 28:7-15).

The time has come for the people of the United States to start using their own minds. Do you really think that after life on earth goes extinct in nuclear world war III after nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer, a new Heaven and a New Earth and a New Jerusalem will appear and so you should now begin the Apocalypse? If so, you may want to ask for a second opinion. The Dalai Lama is coming to the White House next week. President Bush could ask the Dalai Lama to ask the Nechung Oracle channeler and the Tenma Oracle channeler if going to war with Russia, China and the Muslim world is a good idea.

Take yourself back in time to Greece 2,000 years ago. Your friend John Patmos is posting a blog to Blogger. In his blog John writes a Greek fairy tale, changes the names of the characters, and then signs it “Jesus”. Now tell John that in 2,000 years his post will lead to the extinction of life on earth forever. This is what God meant when he carved in stone Himself, “Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.” If you have a revelation, preface it with the words “A spirit identifying itself as God said.” It is so simple for a demon to say to a person, “Hello, this is God.” This is why God said of the bible writing prophets, “You prophesy by Baal, Beelzebub, Satan!” (Jeremiah 2:8). The prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Malachi didn’t need prophesy to know that much of the Bibles was made by men and signed “God”; they were there and watched it happen, and warned that the consequences would be catastrophic. See George run the ship aground following the map of Johnathan Patmos, esq. George Bush is moving our military all in because Jerry Falwell convinced him that he has the nuts and all he has is King high.

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