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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD

why the bush/clinton coven MUST have amnesty for illegals

the zionists must have one of their representatives (hillary, jorge, those types) in the usa as police state over-seer of the top secret control technology which the phased array antennae and the chmetrails represent.
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the latin invasion from south america, which is actually a done deal, and just needs to be legalized by the perps (bush) will insure that not only are more antennae and chemtrails utilized, but that the nukes will be hooke dup to the antennae, the NEW nukes no one is talking about.

so your mind control will go from electric via iraqui crude to lectric via nuclear power

think on that as bush attempts to ceate the new welfare state for his masters. they are trying to make a media event work for the 20 million bush/hillary/richardson voters so that they can make those votes count in 2008!


The New York Times just called you and me "bankrupt."

The Times says our opposition to the Senate's latest amnesty
push reveals our "hostility to nurturing a new cohort of
American citizens"and "lays bare the bankruptcy of their
self-defeating passions."

This editorial came out late last week just as the flood
of grassroots opposition was about to kill the Dream Amnesty Act.

Then, Dick Durbin decided to slightly modify the bill in
an effort to gain more support. And the Times launched
its attack on grassroots Americans.

Now, the mainstream media has taken up the cause in a big way.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution calls it a "Dream immigrant
proposal." The Des Moines Register, Sacramento Bee and others
are getting on the bandwagon. An LA Times op-ed calls this
new amnesty bill a "uniquely American dream."

Bill, we have been down this path before. The Amnesty
Senators float their proposal, survive the first round of
opposition, then call in the big guns in the liberal media
to exert pressure on Senators to get their bill passed.

+ + Next 48 hours crucial

Today, the Senate once again began debate on the Defense
Authorization Bill. Since the Dream Amnesty Act (SA 2919)
is being attached as an amendment to that bill, the vote
on the Dream Act could come at any time.

Unless we ramp up even more grassroots pressure than last
week, momentum could quickly turn in favor of passing this
amnesty bill.

+ + + Send faxes now

         If you have not yet sent your faxes.
         Please go here to schedule faxes now:

Also, call Grassfire's list of key Senators who voted against the
Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill but still have not stated a position
against the Dream Act. Go here for that list:

Of course, the New York Times wants to dismiss your grassroots
efforts as raw "hostility" that exposes the "bankruptcy" of your
"self-defeating" passions. Let’s make sure the liberal elites
do not have the last word on this issue.

Steve Elliott, President

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