Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq

Youth Actions/ Rock the Rulers

Stop the War at Home & Abroad!
More than 75 organizing centers!
100+ buses
1600+ endorsers
7 days of resistance


Coming off the heels of the powerful demos with strong youth and student contingents in Washington this past Saturday, Sept 15th, we want to invite you to join us in Washington , DC and Los Angeles during the Troops Out Now Coalition's Encampment, September 22 -29th. Friday, September 28th will be the Youth and Student Day of Action. Then join us Saturday, Sept 29th in a Youth and Student Contingent at the March on Washington and LA. We must keep the pressure on!

Youth and students from the US to Iraq are under attack. Military recruiters prey on our communities and our campuses, trying to get us and our friends to kill and be killed in a criminal war. Money that should be being spent to make education affordable for everyone and provide scholarships is instead being spent to continue the four and half year old occupation of Iraq . Police harass us for simply being young, for being a person of color, or for being lesbian/gay/bi/trans/queer. Bush's top war adviser, Army Lt.Gen. Douglas Lute, says that "it makes sense to certainly consider [reinstating the draft]." It's time to raise our voices and our fists and fight back.

Organizers and activists from around the country will be flooding D.C. with a sea of resistance during the Encampment and March to Stop the War, and youth and students must be there too! Youth organizers have been organizing a day during the Encampment solely for youth and students.

Organizing the Encampment to Stop the War and the Youth and Student Day of Action is an enormous logistical and financial challenge. But we are determined to move forward -- please consider making a donation to help with organizing at

The Youth and Student Day of Action will be held on Friday, September 28, at the Encampment site. We'll gather at the Encampment on Thursday night and Friday morning to discuss and plan direct actions that will happen in D.C. on September 28.

We've set-up a website (youthantiwarweek where we'll continue to post fliers and updated information about logistics for Thursday night and Friday. Also, if you are interested in adding your name or your organization to the list of endorsers below, please contact us at youthantiwarweek (at)

Friday, Sept 28th on Encampment site in DC there will be An Outdoor Concert for Human Rights in the Philippines called 'NEVER AGAIN!' featuring artists: Blue Scholars, Kiwi (formerly of Native Guns), Koba, Deep Foundation, Kinding Sindaw, Anakbayan Youth, and Kadena. Join Filipino-American Artists Call for a Withdrawal of US Military Aid to the Philippines and an End to the Undeclared Martial Law Under the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Regime. Sept. 21 marks the 35th anniversary of Martial Law as declared by the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines back in 1972.

We're really excited for this unprecedented day of action where youth and students from around the country will be able to come together and decide collectively how we want to take a stand against the war machine. If there is not already a transportation center in your area, please consider organizing one so you can get yourself, your friends, or your campus/community organization to D.C. on Friday to join with hundreds of other youth to shut down the war. Stay with us through Saturday and join the youth and student contingent in the March to Stop the War.

Initial List of Endorsers of Youth and Student Day of Action at Encampment:

I Am Hiphop, Georgia State University*, Atlanta, GA; Yoel Britan, Princeton Campus Antiwar Network*; Shoshana Schwartz, Columbia Coalition Against the War*, NYC; Anusar Farooqui, Columbia Coalition Against the War*, NYC; Daniel Kolaric, student, Zephyrhills, FL; Eve Blazo, The Calhoun School*, NYC; Laura Bullard, Charlotte, NC; Ben Carroll, UNC Chapel Hill Students for a Democratic Society*; Student Worker Alliance, NC State University; Los Angeles Fight Imperialism Stand Together; Namibia Donadio, Rutgers University*; Fight Imperialism-Stand Together (F.I.S.T.); Solidarity with Palestine Through Education and Action at Carolina (SPEAC), UNC-Chapel Hill; Caleb Maupin, Baldwin Wallace College, Cleveland; Lila Goldstein, Hampshire College*; Abraham Mwaura, Huntington, West Virginia; Miya Campbell, Boston Women’s Fightback Network; Catalina Garcia, San Diego, CA/Tijuana, Mexico; Larry Hales, Denver, CO; Dan Vachon, University of New Hampshire,*; Miles Holst, NC State U.; LeiLani Dowell, FIST NYC; Dante Strobino, FIST, Raleigh, NC, ; Andrew Tillet-Saks, Columbia U., ; Rahel Aima, Columbia U., ; Chris Shirley, Yale U.,; Bumhe Han, NYU; Samantha Miller, UCLA Alum; Chelsea Napolitano, Rutgers; Will Klatt, Ohio Univ.; Steff Yo, U of Minnesota; Steven Raga, SUNY Stony Brook Alum, NYC; Emmanuel Lopez, Florida Univ; Laramie Sheets, UNC Charlotte; Michael Graham, UNC Charlotte; Jess Handy, UNC Charlotte; Charla Schlueter, UNC Asheville; Kensey LeGrand, UNC Asheville; Alexa Barratt, UNC Asheville; Gentry Atkinson, UNC Asheville; Lauren Beller, UNC Asheville; Ashlee Hillary Rodham Oliver, Hollins Univ., Roanoke, VA; Moriah Arnold, Cary High, NC; Eric Gardner, UCLA; Matt McLaughlin, Hartford, CT; Kim Defranco, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN; Rocio Hernandez, Georgetown, the Thacher School, CA; Charlie Soeder, UNC Chapel Hill; Peter Gilbert, UNC Chapel Hill, FIST; Laura Bickford, UNC Chapel Hill; Tamara Tal, UNC Chapel Hill, SDS; Tyneisha Bowens, NC State U, FIST;....and more...

*for identification purposes only
'Rock the Rulers!'
a 'concert'ed effort of culture and resistance during the Encampment to Stop the War in front of the Capitol - every night!


The Encampment will feature musicians, spoken word artists, and poets from across the U.S. If you are not able to attend the Encampment, please consider making a generous donation online at to help with the enormous expenses of maintaining 7-days of culture and resistance as a direct challenge to the culture of war and greed in Washington DC.


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If you cannot join us in Washington, you can still help. Please donate whatever you can to help others join the march. Every single dollar helps to make our voices stronger. Your donations can help pay for buses, flyers, picket signs, mailings and all of the necessary costs. Everyone can be a part of this effort.

Donate online at:

Get on the bus! - find an organizing center near you:

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