Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq

Local Troops Out Now Meeting--B'more Bus Info

Come to a LOCAL BALTIMORE & MARYLAND ORGANIZING MEETING for the Sept 29th March on Washington and the Encampment across from the Capitol
Hear: Larry Holmes, National Coordinator for TONC

THIS THURSDAY, Sept. 20, 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at 426 E. 31st Street (Changing Directions Youth Center near Johns Hopkins University)

Find out how you can help! Pick up flyers, bus tickets & posters.


Baltimore buses will be leaving from the Stadium YMCA parking lot (33rd St & Ellerslie) at 9 A.M. sharp and return at 7 P.M. You must purchase a ticket in advance to guarantee your seat. Tickets are $15 round trip and can be picked up and purchased at Video Americain, 3100 St. Paul St. (31st & St. Paul Sts.) or come to the organizing meeting.

For more information call (410) 467-6132 or (410) 218-4835

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