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Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email?

spy software distributed via the obviously unamerican fundamentalist church network, alongwith all kinds of other DHS directed energy to expriment with on the neighbors....this will learn ya to love yer lord a little better amerikkka....
Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email?
by aprilmoon Friday, Sep. 07, 2007 at 11:45 AM

Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? Well The Loyal Nine is going to blow the lid of that for you. Basically federal agents have a tool called DCS-3000. I know it sounds like some kind of power engine but its not. Its a windows based application that any agent can install on their workstation or laptop. It gives them the instant ability to wiretap any phone, email, text message account, Instant messenger account, VOIP account... basically anything you can think of, in less then 3 clicks of a mouse.

(Please Repost far and wide. Especially if you know anyone who's a political activist.)

Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email?

Well The Loyal Nine is going to blow the lid of that for you. Basically federal agents have a tool called DCS-3000. I know it sounds like some kind of power engine but its not. Its a windows based application that any agent can install on their workstation or laptop. It gives them the instant ability to wiretap any phone, email, text message account, Instant messenger account, VOIP account... basically anything you can think of, in less then 3 clicks of a mouse.

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Would you also be interested in how corporations make billions in allowing the FBI to violate your rights?

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